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Taehyung Pov

The bell rang which meant English class was over. The whole time the teacher was talking but I wasn't listening to any word she said.

I just stared at her.

She was by no means beautiful. I knew when I met her she was older than me but not enough to be a high school teacher. Looks can be deceiving though.
When we locked eyes I knew she regretted it I mean she hooked up with one of her students.

I put my notebook inside my backpack and stand up to leave. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn around to see Ms Kim.

"Ms Kim I-
"Please," she starts "Call me Jennie at least when no staff or students are around."
"Last night was-
"A mistake I know. I guess that's what happens when you're drunk. You know your very mature for your age. Never would have guessed your I'm high school."
"I got held back a year in 1st grade, I'm 18."
"Ah I see" she purses her lips.
"Well I gotta go to my next class." I tell her but I didn't wanna leave. That night was something not just one of my normal hookups.
"Yes Taehyung go ahead."
"Bye Jennie." I turn around and right when I'm about to walk out the door her voice stops me.
"Taehyung?" she says gently.
I turn around hesitantly and look at her. She smiles at me slightly and crosses her arms.

"I don't regret that night at all."


I walk to the cafeteria with Anna and she seems unbothered by the fact that she broke up with her boyfriend. But I know her to well and inside I know she's broken. I don't say a word knowing it'll make the situation worse.

Normally we would sit with Jungkook, Dausyn, Christian and Jimin back when Anna was still with Jungkook. But I'm not sure anymore and I don't remember the last time we sat somewhere else.
We stop at our old table until we remember what happened. Jimin and Dausyn's backs faced towards us  and they were talking about something. Jungkook was walking towards the table. Anna immediately walks away and I follow her.

"Anna where do you wanna sit?" I ask her.
She doesn't answer but instead grabs my wrist and drags me to the cheerleaders table. Anna was on the cheer team and me and her cheer friends don't really get along. Especially Yeri since I'm 7th grade I had to kiss Christian for spin the bottle and she has the HUGEST crush on him for the longest time. So she holds a grudge against me even though that was like a million years ago.

"Hey Anna," one of the cheerleaders wave at her.
Anna smiles at her and looks at me, "Y/n I know you don't like them so you can still sit with Dausyn if you want."
"You sure?" I ask.
"Go ahead."
I walk to Dausyns table and I hear Anna's laugh along with her cheer mates. I can't help but feel jealous since she was my bestfriend but I leave it alone.


Jungkook POV

I see y/n walking towards me and she looked beautiful as ever.
"Hey guys," Y/N says shyly
"Where's your best friend thought she'd be looking for- ow What the hell Dausyn!" Christian yells
"Shut up," Dausyn whispers not knowing I can hear them clearly.
"Jungkook we need to talk," y/n says to me and grabs my elbow.
I follow her till we're in the school hallway by the vending machines. She let's go of my elbow and faces me.
"Jungkook," she whispers.
"Y/n," I say back.
"What really happened between you and Anna."
"The think is," I sigh rubbing the back of my neck, "it's a long story."
"Lunch doesn't end till 30 minutes so go," she says crossing her arms.
"I don't know if you knew this but I liked you since like 8th grade, and in freshman year when you dated that Jackson kid I knew I didn't stand a chance. I wanted to get over you and Christian told me Anna's been crushing on me and I spent the whole summer with her and I learned to like her. I thought that by dating her I would get over you."
"Oh Jungkook," Y/n whispers ,"Why would you do that to Anna she loved you so much."
"I never got over you I felt something for Anna but never as much as I did for you. She asked me to come over last night I was gonna break things off. But someone had a tape of me talking to Dausyn about her and Anna was not happy."
"So you guys are over,"
"What do you think?"
Y/n looks at me, "You know when Anna told me you asked her out I wanted to be happy for her I really did but a part of me was jealous because I liked you too."
Jungkooks eyes went open, "why didn't you tell me?"
"Anna liked you a lot I didn't wanna loose my best friend over a guy," she whispers to me.
I lean in and grab her waist. She was so beautiful and smelt amazing. For a second I lost my mind and leans in to kiss her.

It felt different from Anna's kiss.

It was amazing. Until y/n pulled away, "I'm sorry," she says shaking "I'm not gonna do that to Anna I'm so sorry." She had tears in her eyes then walked away fast to the bathroom.

What did I just do?


Jimins pov

Lunch is very awkward with just me, Dausyn and Christian. No one said a thing. I didn't know what was up with Jungkook and y/n but I just left it alone.

"So," Dausyn says breaking the silence, "That was weird."
"Yup,"Christian says before taking a bite off his bacon cheeseburger.
I hear a loud giggle and it was coming from the cheerleaders. Anna was there talking and giggling with her cheer friends. She seemed like a different person. Like Jungkook never broke her heart.

My phone buzzes and so does everyone else's in the cafeterias. I hear Anna gasp and then run to the girl's bathroom crying with two cheerleaders astray.

"What the-
"Dausyn what was that?" I ask him.
"Look at your phone."

I turn on my phone and it was a text message from an unknown number. I open the text and there was a photo.

A photo of Jungkook and Y/N kissing.

Things just couldn't get anymore screwed up.

So by the way I know it's a Taehyung x reader and it will get there. But there's gonna be things happening before all that stuff happens but stay tuned to find out what happens next ;)

Also please leave comments with your thoughts! <3

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