Episode 16

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Blossomfall: Hello and welcome to my endless suffering!

Thornclaw: *sigh* We're doing this again?

Blossomfall: Didn't you hear? Endless!

Thornclaw: Hah. No. My doctor is already yelling at me and it's only been 16 episodes.

Blossomfall: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Blossomfall: Anyways, let's get started!

Thornclaw: Yes, let's.

Blossomfall: SO. I have a theory.

Thornclaw: A theory? That's new. Let's hear it then.

Blossomfall: You know how whenever we killed Millie she would always resurrect?

Thornclaw: You killed Millie!?

Blossomfall: Exactly! So why isn't Bumblestar coming back to life?

Thornclaw: Because he's not an insane psychopath who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

Blossomfall: Ahem *points Bumblestripe's Insanity*

Thornclaw: Okay you have a point...

Blossomfall: Besides Millie wasn't a psychopath she just has an obsession over Briarlight

Thornclaw: Don't look at me, she's your mom

Blossomfall: Moving on, why doesn't Bumblestar come back to life? Well, I think it's because we kept the body!

*Blossomfall opens an old trunk to reveal the body of a cat, flies swirling around it*

Thornclaw: *gags*

Blossomfall: So maybe, if we destroy the body, he'll come back!

Thornclaw: Whatever you want, honey...

Blossomfall: Great! We're going back to basics >:D

*The two go to a fire-pit, fresh wood sitting in the bottom of it*

Blossomfall: *strikes match* >:)))

Thornclaw: Oh dear...

Blossomfall: Shut up patrol guy *throws the match into the fire-pit*

*Flames burst out of the wood and crackle hungrily*

Blossomfall: Let us feed you my sweeties >:3

Thornclaw: We have kids-

Blossomfall: *Throws Bumblestar's body into the fire* BURN HAHAHA BURN

Thornclaw: You know I've done many things in life but never have I imagined burning a body...

Blossomfall: Oh, this is your first? COME CLOSER!

Thornclaw: ...Should I be worried?

Blossomfall: Yes.

*The body slowly burns away, revealing darkened, charred bones*

Blossomfall: Perfect! Now we just wait

Thornclaw: ...

Thornclaw: ...

Thornclaw: ...

Thornclaw: ...

Thornclaw: ...

Thornclaw: ...

Thornclaw: Nothing is happening.

Blossomfall: What? I was sure this would work!

Thornclaw: Well you're sure about a lot of things, sweetheart-

Blossomfall: tHEN WHY IS MILLIE INVINCIBLE!?!?!? *sobs*

Thornclaw: There, there *pats back supportingly*

Blossomfall: *looking determined* *wipes tears* I WILL FIND A WAY!

Moon here with another episode hope you enjoyedddd <33 p.s. Saturn is a god 

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