ch 1 intro

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{author note this is my first story so it probably  sucks but will you tell what you guys think about so i can make them better this is the frist chapter so it is going to get better  i hope }

You were new to Ayakashi Kan and you were unpacking when you head a knock on the door. So you got up from opening boxes and at the door was a short girl with black long hair and a short dress type thing on.Behind her was a tall man with two different colored eyes and white-ish hair and in a suit. The girl said i guess this is were i am suppposed to introduce myself. She offerd you to shake took her hand politely introduced yourself.the tall male behind her said this is Miss Ririchiyo and i am Soushi Miketsukami. Ririchiyo said i could have introduced myself Miketsukami they were were standing in y whdooryour door way.finally Ririchiyo sayed im sorry then she asked if you wanted her to show you around you.Happily agreed so you steped out of your apaertment. Miketsukami look down at you with a smile you smiled back then you realized that she had stop. Ririchiyo stopped this is the public bath you went inside and it looked at beautiful scenery. There was a beautiful window  that let you see the outside scenery Ririchiyo said dosent it look beautiful. You looked up and softly said yes. Ririchiyo said there is still more to see you looked up and said okay. as Ririchiyo lead you down the hall as you approached a stairwell she lead you up to the roof top you seen two people that were up siting at a table. you seen a   young blond and a girl with pink-ish purple hair the girl was eating and apple. And a boy was looking at a pice of paper as we aproced  Ririchiyo said to the boy are you studing for the test? the boy and girl looked up and then said yes.the boy got and said who is this? as they were aproching you ririchiyo said this is Y/N L/N the boy walked up to you and said nice to meet you im watanuki and this is karuta. karuta looked up and said in a soft voice nice to meet you they walked you over to the table and you sat down. Ririchiyo and the others stared to ask you a few were are your from and stuff like that. every once in a while ririchiyo would be sassy but it bother you.It was geting about sunset when everyone got up you looked at them when miketsukami said we have to finish showing you around you  you have almost forgoten about that. You got up and you followed  them you walked through a few hallways and you stood in front of a door. it said on the door lounge miketsukami opened the door the group slowly walked in. As you looked around everyone looked up at you it felt a bit awkward.  But you rubbed it off you slowly followed the you slowly looked up as a young women was in your face scramming maniac at you.And talking about youtapparel you felt a hand on ur shoulder you look to see who it was a tall  young male with  purple hair and bunny ears on and his left eye wrapped with hair covering zoned out for a minute staring at his figure you could help but not find him attractive. when he said finely she dose this all the time no need to worry he then said i am zange natsume who may you be?you said shyly im Y/N L/N  he looked at ur face and said what a pretty name for such a beautifully lady your face got all red as you blushed. he looked at you and smiled he then grabbed you and said pointing around the room showing who is everyone is. My face was red the whole time he looked at you and asked is everything all right? you looked up and said yes im fine. he said okay a little after that you went up to your room you could stop think about zange you were wondering if you had a crush on him. you sat on ur coach think he is very attractive do i like him he is very nice.  you then passed out on the coach a while later after think for  a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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