Chapter 1 : Diamond in the Rough

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(A/N) Hi! it's Yui again. So I wanted to say that this is the USA, but I am adding in some of my own little things in. Like different Military bases. So please don't judge if there isn't a military base in the places I say there is in the book. Also, this is my first book that I'm publishing, so please feel free to leave any helpful comments and recommendations! Okay, that's all for now, Happy reading! ~ Yui


I ran down the hall, I was late. My first day, and I'm already late. I looked at the people threw my peripheral, and the only things I saw were people looking at me weird. What? Were people never late to these things? Was I the only one?



I paused and whipped around to meet dark brown eyes. Finn was running behind me, his uniform was all wrinkled and his hat was tilted. His shoes were half put on, and from the hair you could see on his head, was probably wet from a shower.

"You Just wake up??" I asked, more concerned than anything. Finn had been having nightmares for a few nights now, causing him to wake up screaming. I'd been going over and sleeping next to him so he knew he was okay. But when I would wake up the next morning, I saw him grabbing his face with both hands and muttering to himself.

Finn gave me a look. "I'm fine." Fake, and sarcastic, kind of. I could tell when he was lying or being honest.

"Sure. Anyways come on, we are late to get our stations." I said, grabbing his huge, and clammy hand and running to the double doors at the end of the hall, yet again ignoring all the weird looks I was getting from people. They could suck it.

We stopped at the doors, I grabbed my tiny badge that had my picture and name printed on it and flicked it across the scanner. The double doors made a groaning sound and slowly opened to a huge room. The walls were dark grey, and there was a huge world map at the back of the room. In the middle, there were cubicles that had people stretched to the ends of the rooms.

"NATASHA!! FINN!!!" I groaned and turned around to the sound of Mollie, she was my first friend in boot camp. She had Strawberry blonde hair that went only to her shoulders, her build looks like she's more made for swim but that's just my opinion.

"Hey Mollie." I sighed in relief as Finn answered before I did.

"Have you guys gotten your stations yet?" Mollie asked. Her face was still happy, despite her handing me a paper that had big. fat, red numbers that was 149.

"YOU GOT 149!?" I yelled, shocked more than anything. Station 149 was the second most dangerous place to go for war. Mainly, the big buff men went there instead of the women. The only reason that the General of our section would send a woman, would be if they were a trained spy/and or an assassin. In my case, I was chosen for both.

"I know, honestly I'm a little worried Nat," I looked up to Mollie forgetting Finn was there looming over us. "What if I never see Ben again?" Ben. That was Mollies older brother, he also perused the war, but he became a field nurse.

I grabbed onto her shoulder, turning to look at her more clearly, I smiled.

"Not happening."

Of course, as if on cue, a loud voice interrupts our moment. I turn around to see who it was. Not thinking I turn around to see my second best friend. Tie.

"Hey! How are you gu-" Tie was cut off by a guard, who was standing watch from the inside of the huge room. The guard seemed to be giving a side eye as he coughed to get Tie's attention. As if a silent conversation with their eyes, Tie was gone and over by the Guards side in seconds. No goodbye or anything.

I looked to Finn with confusion, but I was met with the same flustered expression that I had. Maybe because Tie was becoming one of the higher ranking team members?

Maybe because of his secret?

Did they know?

I shook my mind, I was thinking too deep into this. Shrugging, I turned to the group again and sighed. Looking up at the time, it was 10:30, maybe we should get our stations before 11:00 so General Whelm wouldn't get upset. Gathering Finn and Mollie, I started shuffling us over to one of the slowly dying out lines.

We were all in line together, even though Mollie had already gotten her station, she insisted that she was with us in case of an emotional breakdown. Psh, what break downs? we don't have break downs. At least not that often..

I was brought back from my thoughts by Mollie pushing me forward. Looking up I saw that the line was almost empty, with Finn standing in front of me. He was next, and I couldn't help feeling the hairs on my neck rise as the man in front of Finn moved out of the way with his folded up papers. As Finn stepped up, I craned my neck up and by his shoulder to try and hear what they were whispering.

Of course, not catching anything they said, Finn moved out of the way and stood off to the side to give me some room, but stayed close. Gulping silently, I stepped up to the cubical and nodded to the woman.


"Natasha Dawn Prime."

"3819-" She started.

"Yes- That's me." I said, snapping a bit.

The woman nodded curtly, printing out the two pieces of paper and handing to me. Feeling the warmth of the paper, I moved to the side and examined it. I looked at Finn, his paper was open and he was staring at it with emotionless eyes.

Without thinking, I unfolded the paper and gasped. Why?? Why me??

"Natasha, you okay?" I heard Finn come up behind me, I felt him peering over my shoulder. That's when he tensed up and showed me his, which said the same big fat numbers as mine.

We got the most dangerous Station.


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