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Using the darkness of night, hidden within the thick full branches of a large tree, two sets of eyes, one glowing a bright blue, the other a single narrowed eye glowing lavender, were locked upon an abandoned building. Or, what was suppose to be an abandoned building. Heightened hearing picked up the sound of murmured voices and boots connecting with solid ground, pointed ears twitching ever so slightly with each sound. The owner of the sole glowing eye growled low in his throat, his stronger, more sensitive hearing, easily filtering through the hustle and bustle to pick up his Mates grunts of pain. His Soul Listening Magic locking on to the ones in the same room as her, their soul's melodies chiming with amusement, anger, and one particular soul seemingly trying to dissect Lucy's behavior.

Closing his eyes he focused on her soul, his minds eye catching sight of the large and beautiful soul, glowing gold, so stunning one would mistake it for a star fallen from the heaven. Her unique melody, the sounds of violins and pianos, although darker pitched than their normal soprano, still sung strongly. The red wisps, his own soul, that danced across along with hers, teasingly, playfully, lovingly, protectively, darkened in color as he fed her his emotions. His red wisps gave gently caresses, letting her know he was close. That he was angry and ready to destroy all who stood in his way of saving her. That he loved her. And with each gentle pass of his soul, hers only seemed to grow brighter, almost laughing, happy that he was here.

Breaking away from their link he focused on the mission at hand. "Three men are with her. They're underground, all the way to the back on the left side. Fourteen souls in total above ground, one of them is stronger than the rest, a female." Cobra relayed to Laxus.

The blonde nodded, eyes moving from every window and door visible. "I'll go in through the main entrance, while taking care of the door handles and windows to make sure no one escapes. Bust through the skylight up there and use your poison. We can go for the big fish after, got it Cyclops?"

Cobra's fangs caught the light of the moon, glistening in the dark. "Enough talk, Quadzila."

The shadows their allies, Cobra and Laxus made in to the building undetected. Laxus' Magic surged around him, the large man easily directing it to the windows and doors, nodding to the marron haired slayer a 'go ahead', before walking through the doors as if it were their guild and not the enemy layer.

A large smiled curved across his face as the Mages stopped and stared at him. Lighting arched across his arms and around his body as he closed the doors behind him, no chance of escape left for the soon to be fried and poisoned fools. "I believe you have something that doesn't belong to you." He casually spoke.

"And what could we possible have that belongs to you!" a pretty little mage dressed all in bright yellow snarled from behind the others.

The glass from the skyline shattered, Cobra swooping down in an epic display of power and dramatics, crimson plumes of toxins trailing behind him, destroying the floor and shaking the very foundation of the building. "My Mate, you fucking ugly duckling." He snarled from the crater he nose kneeled in.

The other screamed as the toxins unleashed once contact with the floor was made. Some tried to escape through the doors and windows, screaming as they were shocked unconscious. Laxus smirked as his lightning surged around his bulky form, reaching out and shocking the Mages smart enough to cover their faces, dropping them like flies next to the ones already passed out from Cobra's attack.

"W-what are you?" The yellow wearing girls whispered question reached their ears. Both Dragons turned to regard her. She was on the floor, knees tucked under herself, a small hand clutching at her nose and mouth.

Cobra gave a deep wicked chuckle, his lips pulling back as his smirked wide, sharp canines glistening. "I'll be the one who's going to send your pathetic soul to Hell if you don't tell me where the fuck my Mate is."

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