Chapter 3

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Leth Albriven looked and almost winced as Akka pointed to Lyra. He wasn't ready to face memory.


Kiarra watched as a young boy dragged Lyra away.

She let him with no struggle.


She was so strange.

It seemed like Raythe always was an apparition, but she wasn't. She knew sign language very well, and could impersonate one who only had been deaf.

She also was very skilled. Kiarra guessed that living in a ruby for your whole life let you have a lot of time to learn.

"Raythe," Kiarra had asked her, "How can you live like that?"

Well, Raythe had replied, I was given personalized learning by an friend of my parents, Huddson Madree. He specialized in children like me, with a disorder.


Yes. Raythe's gray eyes had shimmered as she began to talk about Huddson Madree. He was very kind about my condition and gave me this ruby necklace that houses my soul. He taught me many ways to hold back the evil. His kind manner filled me with strength. No one had ever talked to me, like he did.


Rin was told to go to the Preparation room beforehand to wait for Leth. When she arrived, he was already there, strapping a girl to a chair with all sorts of sharp looking things attached.

Rin shuddered.

Deep breaths, Rin, she told herself as she approached the boy.

"I was told to tell you that I was to Prepare this girl."

He ignored her and continued strapping the girl.

"Orders from Consulate Fallenbush. It's my test."

He finally stopped and sneered.

"Go ahead, inferior."

We'll see about that, Rin angrily protested in her mind as she took a pair of scissors from his hand.


Cray was only four years old when he met Lanie in Semi-Preparation. His parents had just come to the Embassy and had to take the Test. He was required to go to academy.

His parents dropped him off with the other Semi-Preparation level students. He looked at the room thoughtfully. Who should he sit next to?

There was this boy that kept picking at his nose even though the mother scolded him-he would not do. A girl was sucking her thumb-who did that anymore?

All the children were very childish, except for one, who looked angry and fiddled with a small ball.

She would do.

Cray took a seat beside her and folded his hands in his lap.

He waited. The teacher was absent, the elders were trying to find a person to replace him.

The nose boy was anxious. He began to quietly whimper.

A pudgy girl was laying down, studying her manicured fingers.

Still Cray sat still. He did not realize he was being observed. The officials were noticing how childish the children were, except for three.

"You, you, and you!" a man pointed. Cray stood up, surprised. The angry girl did too, as well as another quiet boy with an 'A' on his shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2018 ⏰

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