My Purdy Dad- New York! Part 2

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 We checked into the hotel and carried our luggage up to our rooms. Cayden and I were sharing a room with Brooke and my dad. We opened the door and I ran straight to the bedroom calling dibs on the bed closest to the window. I opened the curtain while holding Audrey and looked out the window. It was perfect! The buildings, the signs, smells. You name it! I just can't wait to see what it looks like at night.

 "So should we go walk around? See the sights? Brooke come with me? Pleeease!" I begged her

 "Okay, that'll be nice. Yeah! Ashley, you coming too?" she asked

 "Yeah, okay." I strapped Audrey in her stroller and walked to the elevator. I pushed the 'Down' button and waited for the elevator to pick us up. We stepped on and noticed we weren't the only ones on there. Me and Cayden stood in the far back and I swear this girl on the elevator looked excatly like Kassie! Same blonde hair and tan skin. She even had the same clothing style as Kassie! I kept staring at the back of this girl's head until she turned around. I just smiled at her, which she did the same. Phew! It wasn't her! Great! Now my freaking stress disorder is acting up! Just great!

 We reached the ground level and walked out of the hotel. So where do we head to first? I wanna meet that damn cowboy! Now where'd he go? Oh! There he is!

 "Dad! There he is!" I pointed at him "we have to meet him! Come on Brooke!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the odd cowboy of New York City. We got our picture taken with him and all I could say was: "Wow!" that guy was awesome!!

 "You glad you got your picture with a naked cowboy?" my dad chuckled. I just smiled nodding my head 'yes.' After that we headed to the giant Toys R' Us they had. I felt so small! Everything was like huge! I strolled Audrey over and picked up a small teddy bear. It was white and had a pink nose.

 "What do you think Audrey? You like this?" I asked showing her the bear. She smiled and reached out for it, to which I gave it to her. I proceeded to walk around more finding anything for the guys. I found the perfect toy! Nerf dart guns! Oh! Yes! I picked them up and paid for them.

 "Autumn, we got to go!" My dad walked over to me "show starts in a few minutes." I said 'okay' and walked out outside with everyone else. I saw that Brooke was holding a stuffed panda. Awwe! Dad must have boughten that for her! I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw Cayden standing there smiling. He was holding a stuffed puppy! It was cute! Too cute because it looked exactly like Killer back home!

 "Awee! Babe, I love it!" I smiled kissing him "but I didn't get you anything."

 "I don't need anything. Just you and Audrey." he smiled kissing my forehead. We walked back to the hotel and got ready for tonight's show. I teased my hair and put on my warpaint like my dad's. I was wearing my black skinny jeans, my black shirt that said 'I'm a Purdy Girl', studded belt, and converse. I was pumped!

 Ashley's POV

 I finished applying my warpaint and finished perfecting my hair. Bam! I was done!

 "Well, don't you look all ready to go." I turned around and saw Brooke standing there smiling at me. She had small lines of warpaint down her cheek, Autumn must of did it.

 "Yes, yes I am" I smiled motioning for her to come over. She walked over smiling and stood in front of me. I smiled down at her and pecked her lips then placed my hand on her stomach. I cannot believe I'm having another kid. I couldn't be happier. I know Autumn's mother is smiling, knowing that we're healthy and we've conquered all obstacles.

 "I'll be cheering you on tonight babe. All the way." she smiled kissing me again


 Autumn's POV

 Cayden, Brooke, Audrey, and I were off to the side watching the guys perform. They were fucking amazing! I am grateful I was born into this life, I wouldn't trade it for anything else! Every now and then my dad would look over and smile at us. Brooke mostly got winks, but I got smiled at too. After they did their signing and all that we head back to the hotel.

 I was laying on mine and Cayden's bed listening to my iPod when Brooke and my dad walked in. I looked up and smiled at them, they were in love. I could tell, and I was really happy for them. I'm glad my dad found someone for him. He deserves it. Cayden was already passed out next to me. Swear this guy sleeps at the drop of a hat. Audrey's the same way. 'Saviour' started playing next, this song is like my lullaby. Next thing I knew, all I could see was pure darkness.

 "Ashley" someone whispered. It sounded like Brooke, she must be talking in her sleep. I got comfortable again and drifted back into slumber. "Ashley!" she cried louder. What the hell?! Oh God! I wish I didn't open my eyes! I couldn't believe they were doing it right there! Ughh!! I slipped my headphones back in and blasted my music! I also buried my head under the pillows! Nope! Still not working! Kill me!

 The hotel room ----------------------------------->>

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