I. The Beginning

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8:00 p

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8:00 p.m.
Somewhere On a Highway In Nevada

A fresh start was what it was supposed to be all about. Moving to Sin City did not seem like a good place to be getting a fresh start, but it was the place people would go to disappear. As an article she had once read stated, "when men leave for Las Vegas, they never come back."

She had grown up in a tiny midwestern town. The thing with small towns is that everyone knows everyone and everyone knows everyone else's business. Maybe she didn't have to go as far away as Vegas, but something about the desert had always intrigued her. There were mysteries waiting to be solved and stories waiting to be told! Vegas was something completely strange. It was this glittering city of money, sex, and excitement, set in the middle of nowhere! It doesn't quite feel real.

Her father had told her about the mobsters that ran it. He told her about the holes in the desert and the drug rings all hidden behind the glorious casinos. Although, he told her that they were like wasps, don't bother them and they won't bother you. Though, it came out more like, "you stay outta their shit and you'll be fine. You get into their shit and then ya dead."

She felt that her father was paranoid. How could she possibly end up getting involved with mobsters? She watched the enormous mountains surrounding the city of fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada come into view as she drove towards the city. She could barely wait to get out on her own and explore. She knew she should stay away, but she wanted to know what went on out there during the night.

The problem was that she had very little money, no plans, and no one waiting for her here. For once in her life, she was completely alone. She had a fresh slate and she could do anything she wanted to. The thought was terrifying, yet incredibly exciting! As she drove through the city looking for a cheap place to stay, she noticed an old pink motel. It had a huge advertisement plastered to the side of it that read, Recently Renovated, Now Apartments. She pulled into the parking lot and got out of her broken down station wagon. The door let out a horrible creak when she slammed it shut. The warm desert air felt good after being in the car for so long. She stretched and took one last look at the motel's broken buzzing neon sign before stepping into the lobby.

"Hello and welcome!" A young man, probably in his early twenties greeted her from behind the counter. "How may I help you?"

"I'm looking to rent a room," She told him. He nodded and searched through some stacks of paperwork. He had messy brown hair that he had clearly been running his hands through and hazel eyes that seemed to shine with excitement. He gave her the price for the monthly rent and handed her a key. "I'm Wesley by the way," he smiled and stuck out his hand.

"I'm Eliza," she smiled back and shook his hand. Maybe she would make some friends here faster than she thought.


The Starlight Motel, Las Vegas.
9:05 p.m.

She turned the key and over and over in her hand, feeling the indent of the room number as she walked out into the parking lot. Room 121, her new home. She lugged her suitcase up the stairs. "Here's to a fresh start," She whispered to herself.

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