Chained up

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Sorry this has taken a while, blame my writers block. 😐 Please don't change the topic that the reader is studying, it's kind of important to the whole plot thingy. (:


It's been four days and I haven't heard a thing from the God since....that. I'm currently at home on my laptop, doing work for uni. I'm studying psychology and I'm in my second of four years, but I keep becoming distracted by thoughts of Loki. Loki Laufeyson: God of Mischief and Lies, and apparently love as well. Oh well, maybe he will text. Just as I think this I hear a ping come from my phone, which is next to my laptop. Thinking that maybe Loki did the mind-reading thingo again, I snatch my phone from the table and check as quickly as possible. It's not him. It's y/f/n.

How's it going with Loki, have u guys talked?

I've told you before, no we haven't talked!

Oh too bad, did u give him ur number?

Umm... 😐

Y/n, r u serious, do u have his?

He doesn't have a phone, he's from Asgard. But he knows my address.

Wtf!? How can't he have a phone?

idk, it's just their custom I guess

As soon as we stop texting I sigh and facepalm myself with exasperation. How could I have forgotten something like that?

I finish up writing an essay on why teenage boys are a pain in the ass (though in nicer terms), and hear a light, almost nervous-sounding knock on my front door. "It's open!" I shout. No one comes in.
"Does that mean that I may enter?" I hear a booming voice.
"Umm, Who are you?" I ask warily.
"I am Thor of Asgard, son of Odin, God of Thunder." He says, as if this is a common occurrence. Ah, crackers, not another God.
"Okay, you may enter," I say, rubbing my tired eyes. Thankfully I didn't have to make a physical appearance at uni today, considering I only got about three or four hours of sleep. I hear the door close, a little too hard and heavy footsteps pounding through the hallway, "where are you?" The man - Thor - asks. I sigh and drag myself off the lounge and into the foyer. "Hi, I'm Y/n. How are you?" I ask politely, never having been a big fan of pleasantries. I've come face to face with one of the most perfect beings on the planet, second to Loki. He has a massive hulking frame, [see what I did there?] long golden hair, eyes like molten gold, and many many muscles.
"I am very well, though you might not be once I leave," He says. For a moment I think he's just being cocky, then I see the genuine, pure sadness in his golden eyes. "Why's that?" I ask, leading him to the lounge room.

I walk into the adjoining kitchen and begin to make tea while he seats himself on an armchair. "I regret to inform you that you will no longer be able to see - let alone pursue a relationship - with my brother, Loki." He says monotonously, like he'd been reading a speech off of palm cards. Unfortunately he said that at just the wrong time, I spilt the boiling hot water I was pouring all over my bare feet. "Aaaaaaarrggggghhhhhhhh!!!" I scream in pain, emotional and physical. But mostly physical. I clean the spill, sit on the bench, and swing my feet into the sink, to run them under the cold water. "Aaaah," I sigh. "Wait...why can't we see each other?" I ask out of hurt and confusion.
"Because my father, Odin, doesn't approve, and neither do most of the other Asgardians. We must obey the wishes of the king of Asgard," he says solemnly. I, being the stubborn person I am, decide to speak up against this unfairness,
"I bloody hell won't obey his wishes if it means I don't get to be with the one I love!" I protest angrily.
"Very well, but don't say I didn't warn you." Thor says darkly, but not in a threatening tone. I turn off the tap and go back to making the tea. Once I've finished I hand Thor a cup and sit opposite him. "So, you're brothers? But isn't he supposed to be 'evil' or something? Didn't he kill loads of people?" I ask curiously.
"He's adopted," Thor says calmly - or that's what I would've thought if I wasn't studying psychology. I see the flicker of pain in his eyes and the almost unnoticeable creasing of his eyebrows. "Well, you don't have to be blood relatives to be family," I reassure him and see the ghost of a smile painted on his lips.

After a long, but intriguing story about how Thor and Loki came to be brothers, followed by Loki and the tesseract, ending with New York, I ask the question that's been on the tip of my tongue for days. "Speaking of, where is that delightful brother of yours?"
"Uh, well...." he mutters, "Odinlockedhimawayuntilhegotoveryouwhichisntgoingtohappenanytimesoon, so..."
"Odin did WHAT NOW!?!?" I scream at the obviously frightened God.
"Uh, Loki asked Odin if he could be in a relationship with you and Odin got angry and decided to lock Loki away...again." Thor says, rather fast. I'm absolutely livid and I try hard to take deep breaths, but it feels like I'm one of those cartoon characters that have steam coming from their nose. "Give. Me. One. Moment. Please." I 'ask'. I storm into my room and fling open my wardrobe, looking for my Halloween costume from last year. I find it and slip it on. It is a beautiful, silk, white toga that has two straps, complete with circular, bronze brooches, that flows past my knees. I slip on the shoes, fancy knee-length sandals, and walk into the bathroom. I do my hair so that it is curled and pulled back from my face with golden leaf clips [if you don't have hair: I place a golden leaf crown on my head].

I stomp back out to the lounge room and fling my arms out to my sides, "is this Asgardian enough for him?!" I yell at a stunned-looking Thor. "Lady Y/n, you look beautiful, I can certainly tell what my brother sees in you. And to answer your question: why don't we find out?" He says, still in a state of shock.
"Wait. - how am I supposed to get to Asgard?" I question, suddenly having second thoughts.
"Follow me," Thor commands. I follow him back into the foyer and he swings the door open and holds his arm straight out from his side, as if waiting for something.

I hear a rustling noise, a bang, a hiss, and then a massive ingrained hammer lands in his hand perfectly. "What the -? How did you -? What?!" I stumble, frowning in confusion and shock.
"I'm worthy," he states simply and I burst out laughing at the preposterousness of it. "It was not a joke," he says fiercely and protectively. "Aw, is mama protecting his wittle baby hammer?" I taunt, immediately regretting it at his expression. When he realises that I was joking his face softens and he even cracks a smile. "How is a magic hammer going to get me to Asgard?" I ask, even more confused than before.
"You'll see..." Thor teases, swinging the hammer around before grabbing my hand tightly.

Not long afterwards I'm in some sort of dome-like structure, standing before a good-looking man with glowing, golden-yellow eyes like a cat. "Heimdall," Thor greets, nodding his head.
"You are very brave, Y/n," Heimdall states, nodding in my direction.
"How do you know my name?" I ask.
"Loki was screaming 'I love Y/n' at the king," he says, unfazed, "Oh, and I see all." We continue walking, and as we step onto the bifrost I'm greeted with a beautiful scene. Golden buildings, their tips piercing the sky like thin needles, happy people chattering and going about their day to day lives, greenery (though not much) more beautiful than any on Earth. Thor gently nudges me forwards and we make our way to the castle. I spot Odin sitting regally in his throne, eating grapes. He looks like one of the Romans from mythology and fables. "Father, there is someone here to see you," Thor says, gingerly pushing me forward.

"Hello, Odin, I am Y/n L/n," I begin, trying not to let my nerves show on my features.
"Ah, Y/n, I have heard much about you, why do you wish to speak to me?" He says in a tone more regal than his castle.
"I would greatly appreciate it if you would release Loki from the prison he is being held in," I say, locking my jaw in an attempt to control my anger.
"Well, Y/n, that is not going to happen, you're wasting your time. Guards, escort her back to where she came from," he orders. I feel two pairs of metal-encased hands grab my arms from behind and forcefully pull me away. "Stop! Get off me!" I squirm and try to wiggle free. Thor calls out, but is silenced by his father.
"And, Y/n, you look very Asgardian, but remember, looks can be deceiving." He smirks evilly. I let out a high-pitched, shrill scream so loud that the guards let go of me. I run right in front of Odin's throne and whisper, "and you look like a lovely, untroubled king, not trying to hide anything - or anyone - from his past, but yes, looks can be deceiving."
"Guards, arrest her!" He yells at them. They take me further into the castle and I end up walking through a damp, smelly room with one-person cells on either side. I hear a sigh from a cell on my left and see Loki, messy-haired and dirty, sitting in the corner with special, black handcuffs. He looks up momentarily and spots me, I can only imagine what must be going through his head. Here I am, tangled hair, ripped, dirt smeared dress, barefoot now, with bruised arms from the guards, wearing handcuffs and walking into a prison Asgard. This'll be fun...

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