Shawn Mendes - When You're Ready (Indonesia Version)

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Maybe I had too many drinks

'Mungkin ku terlalu banyak minum'

But that's just what I needed

'Namun hanya itulah yang kubutuhkan'

I hope that you don't think that what I'm saying sounds conceited

'Ku harap kau tak kan berpikir bahwa apa yang ku katakan terdengar arogan'

When I look across the room, and you're staring right back at me

'Saat ku melihat diseberang ruangan, dan kau memperhatikan diriku'

Like somebody told a joke and we're the only ones laughin'

'Seperti seseorang megatakan lelucon dan hanya kita yang tertawa'

Don't know why I tried

'Tak tahu kalau aku lelah'

'Cause ain't nobody like you

'Sebab tak ada yang seperti dirimu'

Familiar disappointment every single time I do

'Kekecewaan yang lazim setiap saat ku melakukannya'

Every single night my arms are not around you

'Setiap malam hari lengan ku tak ada bersama mu'

My mind's still wrapped around you

'Pikiran ku masih berputar-putar memikirkan dirimu'

Baby, tell me when you're ready

'Sayang, katakan padaku saat kau bersedia'

I'm waitin'

'Ku sedang menunggu'

Baby, any time you're ready

'Sayang, kapan saja saat kau bersedia'

I'm waitin'

'Ku sedang menunggu'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2018 ⏰

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Shawn Mendes - Shawn Mendes Album. Lirik Lagu (Indonesia Version) ©Where stories live. Discover now