Chapter One

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Wizard City. Even the name sounded magical. It had been only two days ago that Rylee had been just another teenager amongst a thousand others- now she had magical powers? She could hardly wait.

Upon her invitation to the school, she'd received a plane ticket in the envelope. The airline wasn't like any she'd ever seen before, though, but she trusted the instructions the invitation had given. They'd said to show the ticket to the check-in people and they'd lead her to the right place.

"Bye mom- bye dad!" Rylee yelled through the airport door as she walked away. They waved enthusiastically after her, her mother crying and a smile plastered on her father's face. The young girl felt an impossibly fluttery feeling as she stepped into the check-in line, ticket at the ready. Now all she had to do was wait.

The line moved quickly, and fairly quickly she was at the check-in desk. Pulling the ticket out of her pocket, she showed it to the man. His eyes widened, but he gave a slight nod and motioned- behind him? All of a sudden, behind the conveyor belt, there was a huge gold-gilded door. Rylee glanced back at the line- didn't anyone else notice the enormous door that was suddenly there? Nobody seemed to notice. Her heart fluttered again- this must be magic.

As she stepped through the door, her heart sank a bit. It looked just like the rest of the airport- except, there were no customs and only two gates. She had the ticket for gate one, Ravenwood Airlines. Gate two was named Pigswick Flights. A quick glance revealed the people waiting for Pigswick Flights mostly weren't people- they were pigs! How odd.

As she sat down to wait, a girl beside her tapped her shoulder. Startled, Rylee turned, only to see the girl was her age and had a scared expression on her face. She immediately felt sorry for the girl, and in a soft voice, asked, "What?"

The girl shrank back into her seat, then whispered- "I'm scared. What's going to happen to us?" Rylee honestly had no answer, but she was sure it would all turn out alright. "I don't know, but I know it's something good." At her words, the girl seemed to relax. "I'm Ashley. What's your name?" "Rylee," she answered. Just when Ashley opened her mouth to speak, a voice blared over the loudspeaker- "Those taking the flight to Wizard City will now board." Rylee immediately stood and stepped into the boarding line, Ashley close behind her.

She couldn't wait to get to her destination.

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