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After I've got some food in me, I feel so much more positive, and I wonder briefly why I freaked when I learned about Daniel working here. It's probably the nightmare's fault.

I'm filled with renewed energy when I leave the staff room, and I'm back to believing that it's a good day. The way I felt when I left my flat earlier in the day.

Mr. Andersen is talking with some customers, so I head back to the storage room to get the last crates of books sorted. It's nearing four pm when I finish with the last of them, and I'm glad I managed to do it before closing-time. I head back out to the shop, and I smile at Mr. Andersen who's standing by the front desk, leafing through a new John Grisham novel. He looks up when he hears me and smiles back at me.

"All done?" he asks me, and I nod. "Good. Then I guess it's time to close for the day, Emma." He moves to the entrance, and I do the same.

"Do you need me to stay for a bit, Mr. Andersen?"

"No, I'll manage," he reassures me as he locks the door and turns the sign on the door from Opento Closed.

"I'll go out the back, then." I head to the staff room to get my clutch and phone and I check the screen for messages, seeing a new text from my friend:

Suzy: Hurry up, honey, I'm hungry! ;-) xxx

I smile big. She really isa great friend, and my guilty conscience rears its ugly head again. Ugh.

When I get back, I find Mr. Andersen staring out the window, a pensive look on his face. His demeanor confuses me, and I can't help but feel that I'm intruding on his thoughts.

I clear my throat to catch his attention, apparently startling him.

"I'll be off now, boss," I say as I turn to the back door.

"What did you think of Daniel?" he suddenly asks me, and I stop and slowly turn around to face him, puzzled by his odd question. This is so strange.

I hesitate, jangling my keys lightly. "I didn't speak with him much," I reply.

He doesn't give up. "But what was your first impression of him?"

"Well, he seems nice." Awkward!my brain screams at me. "A bit of a geek," I try to joke, and Mr. Andersen's intense stare loosens up. Silently, I sigh in relief.

"Yes," he mumbles. "Heisnice. And he isa bit of a nerd, I suppose." Now it's Mr. Andersen's turn to hesitate. "Listen, Emma, I don't mean to sound so cryptic, but I know that Daniel could use a friend - being new to the city and far away from home, you know - so I'd really appreciate if you'd make a bit of an effort and get to know him."

I'm dumbfounded. This is so unlike my boss, and I don't know what to say.

"Well," Mr. Andersen quietly says, "Please just think about it, Emma. Perhaps..." He stops and looks down, hands in his pockets, lost in thought for a moment.

"Sure," I reply lamely.

He looks up and gives me a small smile. "Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your weekend." He lifts a hand in goodbye, and I move to the back once again.

"You, too," I say quietly, and I leave the shop, confusion and apprehension waging war inside me.

What the bloody hell was that?!

Decidingthat Mr. Andersen's odd behaviour calls for something stronger than Diet Coke, I buy some white wine to go along with the pizzas. A small voice inside tells me that I really shouldn't but I ignore it. I'm pretty sure Suzy will curse at me for the way I disappeared last night, so the wine serves more than one purpose.

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