This is For Me?....

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He walked with a huge grin on his face as they exit to the van that night. He seemed overly excited,but not at the fact that his hyungs were treating him to the amusement park..but the fact that they planned it all out just for him.

"HYUNNNNGGGGG~~~~" Taemin happily jumped into Jonghyung's lap as he got into the van. "Saranghaeyoooooo~~~" He kissed his cheek and went to his umma. "Ummmaaaa~" Key blinked looking at this 20 year old on his lap.

"Mwooo...?" Taemin kissed his umma's cheek. "A-aisshhh~~" Key tilted his head back.


"Minhoooo hyunnnnggggg~~" Taemin reached out for Minho. "Come to meeeee.." the love fest Taemin had with his hyungs confused them all. Kisses from Taemin? This should be the ultimate joyous day, but the hyungs just rode quietly in the van as Taemin hummed happily. "hyung why do I have to be blind folded?!" Taemin asked as Minho quietly wrapped the cloth over his maknae's eyes. "Taemin shhh..." Minho commanded letting him climb out the van. Key and Jonghyun checked to see if the 'amusement' was filled with Taemin's friends. " eveyone here?" Onew asked in the dark room. "ne." whispered many voices. "Great! " Key responded happily taking out a big birthday cake with Taemin's name written all over the chocolate icing. "Bring him in Minho." Minho pulled Taemin into the dark room that was lit by the candles on his cake. The crowd softly began singing happy birthday to the Maknae. "m-mwo?" Taemin was confused by seeing all his beloved friends in a club singing to him. He began to tear up smiling greatfully. "M-Modu. . .Y-you guys.....aish..." He chuckled cleaning his face and the lights flickered on.

"Yah, Taemin-ah....." called a familiar voice. "Happy Birthday...make a wish" Taemin flinched looking at at the man holding his birthday cake. 

"H-Hyung...? H-How'd you get here....?" Taemin looked to his brother crying. "Hyung...Hyung...." he began to cry loudly and everyone watched quietly. His big brother gave Minho the cake and hugged him tightly. Taesun sighed deeply and then smiled to Taemin.

"You can't make people cry in the middle of the night silly! We cme here to party and it won't begin until those candles are blown out." He patted his little one's head and Minho walked forward to Taemin.

"Now. Make a wish..." Minho grinned while everyone stood close behind smiling warmly to their friend. 

"I-I don't think I need to make one...." Taemin softly laughed covering his red eyes. "I already have what I need..." He blew out the candles and the party soon began as Onew threw on the strobe lights and Key turned up the tunes. 

"So! How'd you think we did?" Onew yelled happily threw the crowd of dancing people looking proudly at Taemin.

"Daebak....This is really daebak, hyung..." Taemin held onto his brother's hand and they danced together for the first time in a long time.

"We're such good parents!!" Cried out Key laying his head on Jonghyun's sholder. "Our baby is so happy right now!" Minho, Onew, and Jonghyun all nodded.

"Well, I think he'd deserve to spend time with some of his real family don't you think?" the flaming charisma stated humbly. 

"Yeah..." Onew sighed enjoying the brotherly love. "Come on Minho! let's dance!" Onew grabbed Minho's hands and began twirling around with him aimlessly enjoying the base of the tunes playing loudly on the dance floor of the club.

"Let's make drinks!" Jonghyun exclaimed. "Taemin will see a whole new world with this!!" He was hit on the back of his head by Key.

"Don't you dare concock some weird mash up of drinks to get my baby drunk!!" Key demanded.

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