O.O I like to put skittlez up your............ASSHOLE!!!!!

510 13 30

 The powerful wind vishiously blew  around the forest  moving the plants and trees,  She covered my eyes as debry felw around everywhere  slicing at her skin. She  looked up at the night sky looking for the bright neon purple star to follow it.  (AN- yesh the star is purple!)

Now you may be wondering what the fuck are you doing in the woods at the middle of night welll its the only place were she can do what she want freely without anyone being discusted.

She she looked up following the star into a nice little cozy cottage.

She pulled a gold shiny key out of her red sweater pocket and put it into the door turned it and it opened. There was two couches on eaither side of the room and a big flatscreen TV hanging on the wall. On the floor in the middle of the room was a big burgindy rug cover almost all of the floor.In the far right was the kitchen and in a other room was the bathroom.

She walked in put the key away in her pocket  and pulled out a bag of sour skittlez from her other pocket.

She closed the door and pulled the light switch and the lights flikered on.

She took her opened the bag took off her jeans bent over  spread her legs wide open and stuck the skittlez up her asshole...every last one of them.

With each one she moaned and growned in pleasure.

When they were all up her ass she put her jeans back on washed her hands put her sweater back on shut off the light and opened the door to step back out into the cold winding forest.

                                                          ~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~

Well some of you reading this must be like *O.O da fuck?* butt this is for  my squishy  and she pressured me into uploading this sooooo...HERE YOU GO SQUISHY!!!!  :D

PFTT pear preasure -.- smh such a horrible thing xD nah but fir real that shit aint right....

O.O da fuck am i talking about? ok you knoe what imma go cause the shit im saying is starting to make no sense -.- * waves my hand with a big smile* BAIIIII


LMFAO sour skittlez up ur asshole must burn lyk a bitch!

O.O I like to put skittlez up your............ASSHOLE!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now