Asuramaru's heart

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Asuramaru was meditating by herself trying to forget what happened between her and Yuu but no matter how hard she tries to forget about it her heart will always remind her. She gets up and stomps her foot on the floor saying "stupid stupid stupid how could he kiss me like that he doesn't know anything about me and yet he kissed me Damn him". She continues to stomp her foot on the floor for another fifthteen minutes until she slips and falls on her back saying "ouch that's going to leave a mark" she slowly sits herself up as she starts sighing as she says "why can't I forget about that dumb kiss". She closed her eyes until a thought popped into her head as she says "have I fallen in love with him" she shakes her head saying "no it's impossible besides how would this work out he's in the real world and I'm sealed away in this sword". She closed her eyes again as she was really tired until she sees a bright light in her face, she opens her eyes to see a gateway to the real world as she says "what the hell is going on" the gate starts talking as it says "you who wants to be free you must answer this question". Asuramaru was confused about this but she says nothing and waits for the gateways question, the gateway starts to ask "why do you want to go to the real world" Asuramaru didn't know if she how to answer it but she took a deep breath and said "I want to be with him to feel his touch on my skin, I want him to kiss me, I want to know what love is". The gateway opens and it sucks Asuramaru in, Asuramaru wakes up in the real world as she looks around not seeing anyone as she gets up saying "wait for me Yuu I'm coming".

That's about it for this chapter guys if you have any questions on why I made Asuramaru female let me know and I'll answer it but until the next chapter comes out stay strong.

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