The life of Flareon

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The world of Pokémon, a magical world where lots of cream called Pokémon thrive and live in harmony in the land.

It is said that some Pokémon can change their forms at a certain level, it's known as evolution, a time when a Pokémon changes their form and learns new things.

Trainers can also use special devices called Pokéballs to catch Pokémon and help them train for battle or care for them like pets, but when a Pokémon has a strong bond with its trainer, a very magical and exciting thing happens, this new thing is called Mega Evolution, it's when it becomes more stronger and helps trainers win battles.

However, some trainers catch Pokémon for money and fame or for a darker purpose that can harm the bonds between Pokémon and its trainers.

But with the help of the Pokémon professors, they are here to help trainers foil any evil plans and save the world.

And there were also rumors that some Pokémon can either be found in legendary places or that they can found in places no one has ever been before.

And our story begins in a sunny day a beautiful forest where there were a lot of Pokémon playing together happily, on a rock was a red Pokémon with yellow hair named Flareon, she was known to being a very pretty and beautiful fire type Pokémon who evolved from an Eevee.

Flareon: "Wow, everything looks so beautiful, I wonder what everyone else is doing."

So Flareon then got off the rock and checked on everyone and saw that two Pichu twins were playing with each other.

Flareon: "What's going on?"

Pichu 1: "Oh me and Pichu are just starting to play hide and seek."

Flareon: "Wow, That sounds like fun."

Pichu 1: "Do you want to play?"

Flareon: "Sure."

Pichu 2: "Ok, you and Flareon hide while I count." 

So Pichu then began to count to 10 and they all try to find the perfect place to hide, Flareon was in a bush and the other Pichu was in a a berry bush.

Pichu 2: "Alright, Ready or not here I come."

So Pichu then began to look for Flareon and his twin sister, then after a hiccup, he then founded the other Pichu eating berries.

Pichu 2: "Found you."

Pichu 1: "Oh, nice catch bro, now let's go find Flareon."

So they then began to look for Flareon but so far, they haven't even found her yet, they tried looking in the trees but she wasn't there, they tried the ponds but so far not good.

Pichu 1: "Where is she bro?"

Pichu 2: "I don't know, but I bet she found a hiding spot where we're sure not find her."

???: "I'm here."

Then out of a bush was Flareon who was a bit covered in leaves and have some in her fur.

Pichu 1: "Wow, you chose a good hiding spot there Flareon."

Flareon: "Thanks, anyways, I should clean myself up."

Pichu 2: "Yeah us too, after all our mom is gonna make us dinner soon."

Flareon: "Okay see you later."

Pichu 2: "Bye bye."

So Flareon then head to the pond to clean her fur and get all the leaves off, then in the water was the wise Pokémon Stoutland, he was one of the oldest Pokémon in the forest and has lived for over 29 years before he began his final evolution.

Flareon: "Hello Stoutland."

Stoutland: "Oh, why hello Flareon, how are you today?"

Flareon: "I'm good, I was just playing with the Pichu Twins, what about you?"

Stoutland: "I just thought a nice warm bath would help me since I was a little cold."

Flareon: "Ok."

Stoutland: "Also, I want to show you something that's in one of the caves."

Flareon: "Okay."

So Stoutland then took Flareon to a cave near the Diglett holes, the cave had special marking and that showed pictures of 3 ancient bird Pokémon.

Flareon: "Wow, Who are these Pokémon."

Stoutland: "These are known to being the legendary bird Pokémon, the blue bird is known as Articuno, the ice bird that roams the winters, the yellow bird is Zaptos, an electric and flying type Pokémon that can make electricity and finally, there's Moltres, a fire bird that roams in a volcano somewhere in this region, all of these Pokémon help us to be safe from harm and with the help of other Legendary Pokémon, they maintain the balance between trainer and Pokémon."

Flareon: "Wow, what an interesting story."

Then, Stoutland then began to cough a little, due to his age, he's been known to have a lot of coughing issues that worry the others.

Flareon: "Stoutland, are you okay?"

Stoutland: "Don't worry about me, it's just a thing that happens when Pokémon get older."

Flareon: "Oh."

Stoutland: "Also, can you do me a favor?"

Flareon: "Sure what is it?"

Stoutland: "I need you to help me gather berries for the nursery so that they'll have enough food to eat."

Flareon: "Of course."

So Flareon then helped Stoutland gather some berries from the forest and put them in a basket, they then head to the nursery that was near a big tree where at the nursery was a Pokémon named Chansey, she's known as the owner of the nursery and has a lot of helpers that help her in any situation.

Flareon: "Here you go Chansey, we got some berries for you."

Chansey: "Oh, why thank you, we do need all the food we can find for these little ones."

Flareon: "Not a problem."

Other Pokémon then saw Flareon and couldn't help but admire her beauty and kindness.

Emolga: "Wow, her fur is just so pretty."

Chespin: "I wonder if she's single."

Patrat: "I wonder if I could have fur like hers someday."

Flareon: "Anyways, all this work is starting to make me hungry."

Stoutland: "Okay, we'll see you soon Flareon."

Chansey: "Come and see us anytime."

So Flareon then head back to the forest to get some food for the night and then began to prepare for another day of her life, little did she knew was that one day when she wakes up, she's gonna be up to something more vulgar and dangerous than before.

Pokémon belongs to Nintendo

To be continued. . .

(This is my first Pokémon Story so please don't judge me.)

Flareon x Oreon: A steel and Fire Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now