Chapter 1 ❤ Monday

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Jungkook X Reader


Your p.o.v.
I sat in the cafe with my boyfriend Jungkook we've been together for 3 years now.
Today was my birthday and Kookie had plans.

For now we sat in a cafe having our breakfast before going to school. It was very early but I didn't mind, he smiled at me and held my hand while I just smiled at him
“What are you thinking about my love?” He asked and I smiled “Just thinking about you” I said earning a kiss on my hand in return.
“Are you done? We should go to school” He said and I nodded he paid the bill and we left.

We held each other's hand while we were walking, it was cold outside and the snow was falling it was just so beautiful

/Let's say you're born in the winter season. I'm /born in summer myself so I didn't pick winter just /because I was born in winter like other people do

“It's so beautiful Kookie” I said and pointed at the christmas lights “Just like you” He answered and pulled me closer to his chest.
“I love you so much Kookie” I said while blushing
He kissed my head and I could feel his smile on the top of my head.

When we reached school we kissed each other before walking in together. Jungkook's friends stood there waiting for us smiling like the idiots they where
“Can I?” Whispered asked Taehyung to Jimin and he nodded
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N” I smiled to them and thanked them I gave Tae a hug and thanked him while Jungkook just laughed.
He wasn't the type of boyfriend who would get jealous all the time he was very chill which was very nice I just can't stand dating someone that gets jealous for just a hug or something, why get jealous when he knows I only love him anyway?

We grabbed our stuff and went to our classrooms Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok  had dance class while Namjoon, Yoongi and Taehyung had math leaving me and Seokjin together with music class.

“So are you ready for the music test today?” I asked he smiled and nodded
“I've been studying for weeks” He said proudly
“A kid A kid” I teased and he playfully hit me on my head
“Yah stop I'm older than you” He said while laughing. We entered the classroom and sat down on the separated tables that usually stands beside each other. “Good morning class” Ms.Harmony said happily with her angelic voice
“good morning Ms. Harmony” We all said half dead.
“Well today we're going to do a test don't cheat” She said and passed out some papers
“Can we go when we're done?” Ms. Harmony looked at my classmate and said yes
“You may go when you're done but you must sit with this test for at least 40 minutes” I wrote my name on the paper and started with the test.

After 40 minutes half of the class left that's not really something new they probably just rushed through the test but I decided to take my time and get a good grade on this test. When I was done I decided to read through the test while Seokjin stood up and left I stood up shortly after and turned in my test “Thank you y/n you did a good job” She said and smiled I smiled back and bowed to her. I walked to the school cafeteria and took one fruit I found Jungkook sitting outside with his friends talking so I walked to them and they just smiled. “Hi cutie” Was all he said while smiling I walked to him and we kissed each other quickly “Eww eww eww 18+” whined Taehyung and everyone just laughed. Yoongi creeped behind the bench “get a room” Was all he said and gave us his gummy smile, we all started laughing more and then we had to walk to our next class.

The next lesson was math with Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin yep the youngest just imagine what's going to happen the teacher always tells us we're talking too much so we always end up in a group room. We walked inside and our teacher Mr. Kim just pointed at us telling us to go out and choose a group room we laughed and walked away

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