Chapter 7 ❤ Christmas Day

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Christmas Day

Your p.o.v

I woke up feeling excited, today it's Christmas Day.

“Kookie wake up honey” I said
“No why?” He asked “it's Christmas today” I said
“Hmm” He groaned. I pulled myself closer to him and kissed his shoulder earning a smile and a hug back in return. “Yah it's time to wake up” I said and threw away the blanket.
“Why are you naked?” I asked “I got warm” He replied “oh okay” I said and covered his private area with the blanket. I decided to walk to his closet and pick some clothes for him so I went to his closet and opened it.

“Aww Kookie you have boxers with monsters on” I teased “shut up they're old” He said and I laughed. I decided to choose those boxers and then just some sweatpants with a sweater.

“Okay mister time to get dressed” I said
“Please dress me” He begged and I sat down on the bed between his legs and threw away the blanket.
“Lift your legs” I said and he did, I slid on his boxers over his legs and then he lifted his butt to make it easier for me to put them on
“You're such a baby” I said
“I swear I'm going to be the best diaper changer in the world when I have a baby because I'm already practicing” I added
“I'm not a baby” He said “yes you are baby boy” I teased.

“Why did you take these boxers?” He asked
“Because I can” I simply answered
“but these are too tight” He complained.
When I was done with his boxers I slapped him on his crotch softly “y…yah that hurt” He said and I laughed “sorry bun bun” I said and kissed him on his belly. I then put on his sweatpants and then his sweater.

After dressing him I decided to put on some clothes on myself and while I did that
Jungkook showed down his hand in his pants.
“Are you scared that it'll fall off or something?” I asked “no but these boxers are uncomfortable and I need to place it somewhere comfortable“ He said I just nodded
“struggles struggles struggles” I said while putting on my bra.
After putting on some clothes me and Kookie went down to the kitchen and and ate some Christmas breakfast just enjoying the white blanket outside and the kids playing in the snow
“I can't wait to have one my own” I said while drinking some hot chocolate.
“Me neither it must be fun raising a kid” Kookie said and it made me smile.

After breakfast me and Kookie just relaxed in his room watching some tv shows and cuddling while his mom made the Christmas lunch with his dad.

Soon after that my parents came and we helped them with fixing the table.
“Kookie can you help me carry these?” I asked and he nodded. When  everything was fixed Kookie's brother came and we started to eat. We talked and enjoyed every single minute and then after eating dessert and drinking some hot drinks we opened all the presents.

>Time Skip to the two last presents<

“Here Kookie this is for you” I said and gave him a big box he opened it only to find.

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