Red teams Story"Mission Abort.."

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The month had gone by fast. Most of victorys we're to the red team,but every now and then the Blu would win. Everyone was extremely cautious of scout and where he was. so as red team sat waiting for the next assignment,and scout had dozed off. Everyone started talking about him.

"I still don't get why the blue team attack Scout."Spys says looking at Scout making sure he wasn't awake.

"They probably want to attack babyman cuz he weak."Heavy says as a response.

"he's zctually not veak if he can practically hit somevne across zhe map. zhe force it zakes to hit zhat ball vhat hard to knock somevne out vakes a lot"Medic butted in.

Scout lightly groans to the sounds. So everyone got quiet. After awhile he woke up and Ms. Pauline comes in.
"Okay guys so y'all are gonna have to go the other base in cold front."

"But that base is colder and futher from cold front."heavy says puzzled.

"I know your gonna have to walk there."Ms. Pauline says rubbing her head.

Everyone groans they hated to walk they usually teleported there using a teleporter but the teleporter had been broken.So everyone goes on the teleporter to Cold front then after get
Dressed they head out.

After a few hours....

Scout and heavy were in the back. Heavy looked fine and as if he was used to this weather. Scout on the hand looked pal and lifeless. Scout could feel his body breaking down but tryed to hide it because he didn't like to ask people for things.After a while heavy caught on to Scouts odd behavior and picked him up. It took Scout a second to realize he had been picked up and looks at heavy. Heavy looked down with friendly eyes and made him lay down on his arms and put him closer to him so that while heavy was walking his body heat was warming scout. Soon scout got warm and tryed to get down put medic came back there to them.

"Scout for your health youll should stay vhere."Medic says making him go back to his regular position on Heavies arms.

"Fine"Scout says not fighting.

"Vhank youl"medic rushes back to the front making sure not to slip on snow. After a while they got to the base and the first thing heavy did was walk down the corridor to scouts room and made him lay down on his bed which made a small noise and put him under his blanket and left to let him sleep. honestly Scout didn't complain he went to sleep quickly as a warmth flooded into his body.

(Sorry again it's the weekend and I didn't have that must time honestly I don't know when we'll go back to a regular schedule of longer chapters 🤔)

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