ĸιм тaeнyυng

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I really wanted to write a cliché nerdxpopularguy, high school au. No one can stop me.

Warning: this contains cliché circumstances and scenarios. This is on purpose :D


He's here again.

Namjoon looked at the brunette-haired guy from his peripheral vision.

The wind blows, the old pages of the book he's reading flipped. The guy that is a few feet away from beside him is casually lying on the grass with his arms behind his head. Like it's the most normal thing to do at lunch in school. When no one hardly ever goes to the school field. Complaining that it's too hot to go outside when there's a cafeteria available. That's why Namjoon loves the school field. One, he can have his peace of mind. And two, he's away from social interaction(even tho no one hardly talks to him, but still).

So why?

Why is someone destroying his solitude? All was well before that guy came into the picture. He can't read peacefully knowing that there's another presence just a few feet away from him. It irritates him so much. Alone time is all he ever wanted. He has only one wish. And that is to be alone. Just one freaking thing is all he wanted. But he still can't get what he wants. He almost never did.

That Guy.

That guy is Kim Taehyung. Of course Namjoon knows him. Everyone knows him. He's the popular kid in his grade. Not just because of his admittingly pretty facial features but also his friendly personality. He's basically friends with everyone. Except for Namjoon. He's hard to approach because of his lack of social skills. Not to mention that he's incredibly awkward. He makes people awkward too. That's both a curse and a blessing. At least people avoid talking to him because of that. He's really grateful, thank you very much.

Namjoon has been reading the same paragraph for two minutes now. But the words won't seem to process in his mind. He's stuck. All because of Taehyung.

Namjoon heard him heave a deep sigh. Seems like Taehyung's enjoying the breeze which Namjoon kind of agrees.

Please leave.
Please leave.
Please leave.

Namjoon repeatedly recited the words in his mind like a mantra. Taehyung would always go to the school field after he ate lunch with his other popular friends. Namjoon kinda knew that because he would sometimes buy his own lunch at the cafeteria and his eyes would somehow land to the popular table where Taehyung would be sitting there laughing with his big circle of friends. After that, Namjoon would silently come out of the building and find his way to the school field where there are trees located at the corners that provides shade for students like him. He's a typical nerd with glasses(because apparently society says you're a nerd if you're smart and if you wear glasses). He spends his lunch time reading there.

Minutes after, Taehyung would come and situate himself to a tree a few feet away from him. Just one tree between them. Namjoon would be reading and Taehyung would be taking a nap. Namjoon may be overreacting for being annoyed at Taehyung's mere presence. Taehyung hasn't done anything to him. So what's he fussing about?

He doesn't know either.

Namjoon didn't notice an extra layer of shadow looming over the book. Well, he was kinda spaced out.

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