chapter eight

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THE SUBWAY RIDE home is so quiet that I'm stuck playing this morning over and over again in my head until I'm dizzy. I want so badly for him to not affect me. I don't want to be another one of the girls he has over and never speaks to again, except it'll be worse, because we have no choice but to see each other. I'll never be able to escape him.

When the conductor calls my stop, I get up and wait for the train to slow before the doors open. My heels clicking on the dirty tiles as I make my way towards the stairs. And when I reach the surface of the city again, I make a quick stop at the store on the way to my apartment, grabbing a box of mac and cheese off the shelf in desperate need of comfort food even if it's not as good as the homemade stuff.

I tuck the box under my arm when I step back onto the sidewalk, fishing my phone out of my pant pocket as I walk the rest of the way to my building. The wind hits my skin, instantly chilling my bones as I text Maggie that I've made it home okay and tuck it back into my pocket as I reach the door at the same time as a scuffed up pair of black boots do.

"Fancy seeing you here."

I look up at the sound of his voice as he takes a few of the steps ahead of me and opens the building door, holding it for me to step inside before him. "Luke," I say, swallowing his name like a pill.

"How was the rest of work?" he asks, his lips creeping up into a smile as he steps into the apartment lobby behind me. I chew my lip as I reach for the elevator button, silently cursing my luck out as I try to put as much space between us.

"It was fine."

"Just fine?" he asks, stopping next to me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the teasing look in his eyes as he tucks his hands into the deep pocket of his jeans. "Yes, it wasn't anything exciting."

"I thought you loved your job."

I roll my eyes as the elevator doors open, Luke taking the first step in and when he turns around, I realize I haven't moved from my spot. My stomach knots at the weight of his heavy gaze, the gold hues burning my skin. I had hoped I wouldn't have to see Luke until much later, but now he's here and it's like I can't breathe.

"Are you coming, 4A?" he asks, holding his hand over the door when I make no effort to move from my spot. "Emery?" he says my name when I don't acknowledge his question.

"Sorry." I swallow, grabbing my box of mac and cheese from under my arm. "I think I'll take the stairs," I say, but don't uproot my feet to do it.


I shrug. "Why not?"

"Get in the elevator," he says, waving for me to come in, but the thought of being stuck in a small space with him for even a few seconds has me dizzy. "Emery."

"The power could go out again."

"Seems unlikely," he says, crossing his arms over his chest, "but okay."

I roll my eyes and finally work the courage up to step onto the elevator. "Fine."

"You're so melodramatic, 4A."

"Okay," I say and lean into the wall, gripping the box between my hands.

"Is that what you're having for dinner?" he asks, his eyes moving to the box between my hands before landing on my face as he lifts an eyebrow.

"Don't judge me," I say, lifting my finger at him. "It's been a hard day."

"Did something happen?"

I lift my eyes to look at him and hold my tongue before showing too much of my heart, in desperate need of keeping my composure around him. "It doesn't matter."

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