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"OK,Wait so you mean this will happen regularly"
"Yes,Casey-Lee this is a regular thing!!GET USED TO IT!!!"
All of a sudden I heard a large bang downstairs. I immediately rushed down the staircase to see what it was and realized it wasn't coming from the house it came from next door. I looked out the window to see that we had neighbors. We never have neighbors.
"Casey, we have neighbors!"
"What we never have neighbors, you've got to be kidding me"
"NOPE, I'm not"
I just rembered daddy had told me to go shopping for groceries so we could have dinner.
"Wanna go to the store?"
"Only if I can get ice cream"she said smirking
I hesitantly said "yes"
We got into my car and rushed to the Korean store. When we came out it was dark outside and
I didnt realize me and Case had been in there soo long. I rushed home as slow as I could to cook dinner.
I decided to go with sushi and calamari.For a little kid Cassie sure loves calamari. Suddenly, daddy rushed in the house like a cheetah.
"We got any beer mustard?"he said

"What for I made sushi?"

"Well I don't want sushi, make something else"

"Well what do you want Father?" I said rudely
I wish I didn't because all of a sudden I felt a sting on my face. He hit me!
I look to the stairs and realize Casey had seen it.
She quickly ran over and said "Don't hit my sister"
He then hit her too
"WTF, you do not dare ever lay a finger on Casey it's okay when it's me but if it's Casey we have a problem"I said full of rage

"You're both brats you and your sushi can leave"

"No you pack your shit and leave Mom left this house for us NOT YOU, you have 5 fucking minutes if you're not out by then I'm gonna call the police and tell them all about how you abuse your daughter"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2018 ⏰

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