chapter 1: cute weegee cheeks! (fluff)

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"Ah...finally home!" you said as you walked up to your front door. You reached into your pocket and pulled out your key. Then you casually unlocked the door and stepped inside, a smile instantly growing on your face. There he was, your cute little green bean, asleep on the couch. He had only a shirt and a pair of socks on. His signature hat rested on the table next to where you stood. The shirt was oversized and really made him look adorable. Ohh...he is so cute...! you thought in your head. You tossed the keys on the table and closed the door quietly. You heard Luigi move a little, but he didn't wake up. You decided to upstairs and get changed before waking him up. But before you could take a step, you heard a calm sleepy voice say, "Hai...y-you're home...!" You chuckled and turned your head to look at him. "Mhm! And I was just planning on waking my little sweetie up after I got changed..." you replied, smiling warmly at him. Luigi giggled cutely. He was waiting for you to get home. But he got bored as time passed and passed out on the couch. "I was trying to stay awake until you got back..." he started, getting up from the couch, "I just got a little sleepy..." He stood in front of you and held his hands behind his back. You stared at him, chuckling. "That's okay...I understand. Now come here you adorable cutie pie!" you exclaimed. He smiled and walked over. You were a bit taller than him, so he had to look up to see your face. " are you so cute?" you said, placing a hand on his cheek. "I dunno...maybe I was blessed to be this way. Just like how blessed I am to be with you!" he said, giggling again. You giggled at him and squeezed his cheek. Luigi squeaked and blushed. " have cute little cheeks!" you told him, squeezing both of his cheeks. He laughed and chuckled, and you smiled. You rubbed and squeezed, loving how squishable and soft they were. He squeaked more and blushed harder. "That kind of tickles...!" he said, looking at you happily. You looked at his eyes; they sparkled with joy. He's really attached to you. He loves your attention so much. And you love giving him your attention. Everytime you come home, he's so excited to see you. You enjoyed every bit of time with him. "That's adorable, Luigi!" you said. You removed your hands and tied your hands with his. He blushed slightly and moved his eyes down to your hands. You lifted them and looked at him. You asked, "Do you want me to pick you up?" He laughed and hopped up and down. "Yes! Oh yes I'd love for you to pick me up again!" He squeaked with happiness as you wrapped your hands around his torso. He grabbed your shoulders to lift up some of his weight. Then you pulled him up and he wrapped his legs around your waist. "There we go!" you said happily. You looked at Luigi and he looked back at you, getting invested in your eyes. "Let's head upstairs so I can get changed." you said, carrying him firmly against you. He nodded and held on.

Adorable Green Bean (LuigixMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now