Hi Darlings, I'm new here one wattpad and I've made a decision to share a story that is not to be taken seriously as this is just those random daydreams that come to me at school so please be a cute little honeybunch and cut me some slack because this is my first story. Also, If you're good at making covers, send me a message because I suck at making them. I will appreciate it very much.
Let's start now, shall we?
It's easy being Scarlett Jones, sometimes it isn't but hey everyone's got flaws, I've got the best parents and no they won't turn into assholes at some point in this book. Which is why, for a teenager, I enjoy being at home.
School, on the other hand, is a mini version of the world's society. I attend at Harvey Academy and before you could even think of it, I'm not going to tell you those same cliche descriptions. I've got a bunch of friends and I like to keep my distance from them in fear of being attached too much. The cheerleaders in my school are rad. Of course we do have those stuck up bitch kind of cheerleaders but I know a few of them including the most famous who are genuinely awesome.
Kylie is the leader of the cheerleaders and I'd give you billion dollars if you could beat this girl at an eating contest. She can eat almost anything (except for fishes and vegetables, she abhors them) If you don't know her, you'll think that she's the queen of the mattress but oh dear no, she's the queen of the cafeteria. I wonder how she never gets fat.
The 'freaks' as the other literary pieces call it are the players of the football team. ( Beware: they look hot but don't be deceived, they have skunk genes. )
I'm not a part of any team here in school. Too clumsy for sports, sorry. But I have been in the cheerleading bit before I got bored of it and thought that I'm too fat for it. No, no one told me that I was fat. I just went to the mirror one random night and thought 'Damn, I must look like a pig in a cheerleading costume at school' then the next day I said farewell to cheerleading and gave my place to Kylie.
Things went downhill after that, I've been diagnosed with an eating disorder and it's been horrible watching my mother cry and blame herself for her failure at making dishes. I assured her that her cooking was the greatest since I prefer it over Mcdonalds (sorry, I love my mom too much) but of course I said that I still prefer Mcdonald's Fries and she laughed at that. On the brighter side, my father didn't say much (He was a man of action, that man.) and bought me a frozen yoghurt the next day. I ate it but threw up after I finished it.
Every afternoon I'd watch the cheerleader's rehearsals and they would try to get me back every time. I refused each offer but they never seem to get tired.
To be honest, I do miss being a cheerleader but I can't seem to be satisfied with my weight to come back. I miss my friends there, I really do. I'm usually a positive person but when it comes to my weight, I could never be contented. I'd brag about my face but never about my waistline. However, I do wish that I'd change for myself. This whole insecurity is holding me back from the things that I want to enjoy.
"Scarlett!" Before I got to see who called, I got hit by a volley ball on the head. Hard. Making me fall off the wooden bench. Do I even need to say that it hurts because of course it does, I don't have a metal head.
"Sorry." A girl with an orange-y red hair ran to check if I was okay. "Oh god, did I damage you. Can you hear me?"
"Yeah, I'm good. I must say that your skills are pretty awesome I mean the force was strong enough to knock me out of my seat but you just need to have control" I ranted as she helped me up.
"Thank you" she said, clearly confused if she was to be thankful or offended.
"Welcome, It was meant to be a compliment by the way and I'm sorry for speaking too much" I rubbed the spot that has been hit by the ball.
She chuckled before telling me to wait will she gets and ice pack.
"Scar are you okay?" Tori, one of the cheerleaders asked. They have stopped their practice to check if I was okay.
"Yeah, It was just a ball. No need to be worried" I assured.
"Oh Scarly, you should be careful." Tamara said, she's the sweetest among them.
"I will. Now go back to your practice. You need to work harder, I was watching you and I think you need to practice more. Have you been listening to Kylie?"
"Yes Scarlett." They said in unison, it made me think of when I was still their leader. It made me sad.
"Something's missing" Trix spoke up.
The others agreed
"Yeah Scarlett, we haven't been the same since you left. It's been half a year already, aren't you coming back?" Kylie added
"I can't, I still have 'the' problem" I air quoted the word 'the' referring to my insecurity which they will never know.
"Why can't you tell us? We might be able to help and get you back on our team." Tamara pleaded.
Just as I was about to respond, the girl came back with the ice pack. They told me to take care and resumed their practice.
"Here." The girl place the pack on the side if my head. "I'm Beatrice."
"Scarlett, nice to meet you"
"You seem to have lost your mood to talk." She stated.
"Well, I really miss being with them" I pointed the cheerleaders who were practicing.
"I've seen you there before. You're the best. Why did you quit?"
"I can't tell"
She looked shocked for a moment before she spoke.
"I think I know."
Hold your pitchforks before you mob me okay? Hahaha! This is not to be taken seriously. I didn't edit this and I just want to write down what I feel like writing.
So what do you think?

Dancing with Ana
HumorInto the world of cheerleaders and jocks who have been ruined by some literary pieces. Are they really these hormonal teens who care about nothing but sex? Or are they normal beings with quirks too? And meet Scarlett, a girl with an eating disorder...