The Beginning

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"Finally! It's our first free Saturday!" - says my brother Andres getting out of his room in pajamas.

"I know! it's been almost 2 months since our arrival and we've never been to a club here!" - I say while I get my breakfast done.

My brother is 6 years older than me, but that didn't matter to us when partying comes along. We've being busy with our own stuff all this time with no rest. My parents took the liberty to buy an apartment in the most expensive area in Seoul to make sure we felt at home. But when we arrived, we realized there wasn't any furniture at all! We had to sleep on the floor using clothes as pillows.

Welcome to Korea.

I like Korea, people are really nice and the place is super safe. I don't have to worry about what car I drive around, or how big my house is. In Mexico, my parents wouldn't let me buy the car that I liked because I'd catch the attention of the drug dealers. But now look at my beautiful white Audi R8! I'm not that pretentious, it's just that if you can afford better, why the hell not?

"Let's go to a club tonight." - Finally I can do something I love!

After choosing the place, it was 4PM and I decided to go shopping for a dress. There's this street in Appujong that has all this shops with amazing clothes. Wealthy people here tend to go shopping to malls, you can find all the big brands there. But the thing is, I prefer to use clothes by Korean designers. I'm tired of Dior, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and all those mainstream brands.

As I surf every single store I find, I finally found one that fits my taste. You could describe my style as Contrast Monster. I like to wear all black, with an exception of one thing. It doesn't matter what, it just has to be super flashy so it stands out the most. And this store has exactly what I was looking for.

When I entered, there were no costumers except for one tall man. He seemed cool. But I have to reserve myself because what my mother thought me was: I should never seem interested or impressed by strangers, no matter who they are or what they have. And sometimes is really hard to follow the rule, but I don't look at it as a bad rule at all.

As I scan all the clothes and getting myself immersed. I accidentally crushed with the cool costumer. He looked at me and he apologized. I did the same. I realized how good looking and stylish he was, and I was dying to tell him that, but fortunately I played cool really well.

I don't like trying on clothes, so I just buy my size. So I pick all the dresses that I liked (which in the end turned out to be 15 dresses) and went to pay for them. As the beeping sound was the only thing you could hear in the store, I felt that someone was looking at me. I turned around to see who the stalker was, and the cool guy was looking at me with a light smile. He seemed so friendly and cool, I'm honestly dying to meet him.

"That'd be 1,000,000 Won" - the cashier boy said with a shy voice.

I opened my bag, took my credit card and signed. When I was done paying, I realized I had 15 bags to carry. I take the challenge positively and started to get my fingers on the bags. I pulled them to myself, and I felt weight! Ladies shouldn't feel weight! I felt so embarrassed and looked up. The cool guy was suddenly in front of me!

"Do you need any help?" - the cool guy said with a smile on his face.

"Yes, please" - I said with a bold tone.

He took all the bags with both hands and shook his head while saying - "let's go then"

I started walking and he followed. It feels so nice when guys offer their muscles. We didn't say a word and walked around to blocks to get to my car.

"nice car" - He said with a little excitement.  I thanked him for the compliment. - "what's your name?" - is he actually trying to get to know me?

"I'm Amanda" - I said, with a little smile on my face.

"Cool, I'm Zico. From what I see, you're not from here" - of course I'm not... I obviously don't look Korean at all. - "where are you from?"

"I'm from Mexico" - He looked surprised, I'm sure there aren't many Mexicans living in Korea. Its no surprise, everyone stares at me as if I'm an alien. They also go crazy when they realize I've got a car on my own.

"Well, nice to meet you. I'm not sure if you already have any friends around, but I'll be at Brown Soul bar tonight." - Is he actually asking me to join him?! OK. Act cool!

"Yeah, cool. But I'll be at Eden club." - I wish I could just accept his invitation...he seems so nice.

"No worries, someday we'll hangout." - That sounded so impossible, Seoul is huge!


thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoy this story ^^ you don't have to be a kpop fan to understand what's going on. I invite you to imagine the characters being your favorite idol. No matter who you choose I'm sure you won't regret reading this story*^^*

please feel free to comment anything that's in your mind while reading it!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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