Chapter Five: Warnings and Bath time

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I'm sorry this took so long, I got sort of stuck on this chapter. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy.


"Starscream" Soundwave acknowledged using a clip of Megatron's voice.

"Where have you been Soundwave? You haven't been at your work station at all for two days" Starscream accused, "You've been slacking off haven't you? All the praise Megatron has been giving you has finally gotten to your helm" Starscream laughed bitterly, "If you think our master will allow you to slack off Soundwave you have another thing coming, I assure you"

Soundwave resisted the urge to growl at the seeker, he hadn't been slacking off, sure he'd been preoccupied with the human child but he was still loyal to his duties, and to the Decepticon cause, he still wanted to see Megatron's vision through.

"I've been working-- from my room" Soundwave hated explaining himself, especially to Starscream. Soundwave pulled up a picture of the control terminal from his room and a report he'd typed up about how the ship has been functioning at one hundred percent, he pulled up more reports, the progress he's made on locating the Autobot base, some of the mining reports from drones. One by one Soundwave went through his reports, he was pretty much giving Starscream a status update right in the middle of the hallway, all while enjoying the flabbergasted look on the seekers face.

"Hm" Starscream huffed, "I guess you haven't been slacking off" Starscream tried to hide his annoyance but failed miserably, something was going on with Soundwave, and he was determined to find out what exactly that was. "But just know this Soundwave, I will get to the bottom of your strange behavior, I will be watching you closely" Starscream said, he had a dead serious expression on his face, Soundwave knew he'd have to be careful, well even more careful from now on.

Soundwave watched as the seeker strutted away with a confident aura around him. As soon as the seeker was gone Soundwave replayed what the mech had said, "I will be watching you closely" Soundwave echoed, he was definitely going to keep a closer watch on the deceptive second in command.

Soundwave stood in the hallway for a moment longer before he continued on his way to the wash racks, he knew he'd have to let Madalyn out soon so she didn't run out of oxygen and die.


Soundwave entered the wash racks and mentally thanked Primus that it was empty. Soundwave immediately walked over to the terminal on the wall and accessed the ships mainframe, he managed to seal the door to the wash racks so no Cybertronian could enter without the override code which Soundwave was the only one to have, Lord Megatron did not need the override code since he had his own private wash racks in his room.

Soundwave knelt down and opened up his spark chamber, he held his servo close to his chassis so Madalyn could climb onto his servo.

"It was really hot in there" Madalyn said as she sat on the palm of Soundwaves servo, she wiped some sweat off her forehead and looked up at her faceless guardian.

Soundwave stared at her and pulled up a picture of a bathtub on his visor, he opened his subspace and dropped the small bag of hygiene products, clothing and towels he had stuffed in his subspace into Madalyn's lap.

"You want me to take a bath?" Madalyn asked, she looked at him confused and hugged the bag close to her chest. Soundwave nodded at her and she looked around for a bathtub so she could do what he asked. "But... There's no bath" Madalyn observed, there was only these strange looking shower things.

Soundwave paused and set Madalyn down on the ground, he glanced down at her and raised his servo signaling her to stay there, he didn't wait for her answer and walked over to a storage cupboard and rummaged through it until he found an empty energon cube, if he filled it with a little water, just enough for her to sit in then the cube would be fine for her to bathe in. Soundwave nodded to himself, he was satisfied with his finding and walked back over to Madalyn who was sitting on the ground clutching her bag to her chest like her life depended on it.

Soundwave glanced at her briefly but just filled the cube with water then set it down next to her, he looked at her and pulled a picture of a one piece bathing suit up on his visor.

"Oh" Madalyn mumbled, she unzipped her bag and pulled out a dark blue bathing suit, it had white polka dots on it. Madalyn looked up at Soundwave.

Soundwave turned around to give the human her privacy.

Madalyn quickly changed into her bathing suit and sniffled a little, she had seen the ugly fading bruises that covered her ribs and stomach, they were almost gone but the reminder of the beating her parents had given her made her whimper fearfully, she never wanted to be hurt like that again.

Soundwave heard the soft whimper and turned to look at the young human, he paused, she was staring at the ground, her arms were wrapped around her skinny body and tears rolled down her cheeks. Soundwave suddenly felt the need to search for whoever had harmed this child and kill them slowly.

"S-Soundwave" Madalyn whimpered, she wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand and looked up at him "I'm ready..." She trailed off, she glanced at the cube nervously.

Soundwave bent down and offered her his servo, he gently placed her in the energon cube that was filled with enough water for the human to sit in, Soundwave passed her the soaps and shampoo once she was comfortable with being in the cube so she could clean herself up. Once Soundwave was sure she would be okay he deployed Laserbeak to watch her and walked over to one of the showers so he could get clean himself, it would appear less suspicious when he left if it had looked like he had actually showered, besides he was due for one anyway.


When Soundwave was done scrubbing himself clean and was all dried off he walked over and noticed Laserbeak had already gotten Madalyn out of the cube and she was wrapped up in a white fluffy towel.

"L-Laserbeak helped me out" Madalyn stuttered a little, she had a sheepish smile on her face as she looked at the bird robot that sat next to her.

Soundwave nodded and pulled up a picture of human clothing on his visor, clearly telling her to get dressed, Soundwave tensed when there was banging on the door of the wash racks and looked back at the human.

Madalyn nodded at him and went behind the energon cube and quickly finished drying off and got dressed, as soon as she finished she was scooped up by Soundwave making her squeak in surprise. Soundwave opened his spark chamber and placed her inside, he closed it then grabbed her stuff and shoved it in his subspace. He called Laserbeak to him and the minicon happily connected to his hosts chassis. Soundwave looked around the wash racks making sure he hadn't left anything behind, he nodded happy when he found no evidence of a human being in here and walked to the door where the banging was getting louder by the second.

"OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" Somebody yelled from the other side as they pounded on the door. Soundwave unsealed the doors and stood silently in the door way as it opened, he stared ahead as a group of drones all flinched back in surprise and fear. "S-Soundwave, sir, I'm sorry I had no idea you were in there" the vehicon trooper started to apologize, he looked scared and so did the ones behind him, Soundwave just stared at them making them all shift uneasily. Once Soundwave had enough of making them all uncomfortable he simply walked past them making them all scoot out of his way to let him past. Soundwave rolled his optics behind his visor and just headed to his room.

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