Chapter 2

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Young, Wild & Free

"Harry! I told you to bring your bags down here! We're going to miss our flight!" I hear my mum yelling from downstairs.

"Chill, mum! I'm coming down! Geez.." I yell back as getting my bags downstairs. It's so damn heavy.

"Mum, please... we really have to go? You know my friends are here and everything I love is here too!" I hear my sister Gemma complaining as I place the bag in front of the door.

"Sweetie, you know since your father and I got divorced I'm the one in charge of paying your education, this is for my job, honey, I don't want you to starve..." my mum replies.

"Oh... God! See Gemma? When you complain mum always get dramatic!" I complain as a joke.

Gemma laughs, "Shut up, fat ass."

"Gemma! What have I told you about your vocabulary?" my mum exclaims.

Gemma turns to my mum, "Sorry mum..." she then turns back to me, "Fat bum."

I burst out laughing, "That was terrible."

"Alright, let's go or we'll lose our flight." my mum interrupts us. Making us get our stuff and walk towards the car.


I fasten my seat belt, "Mum? Remind me when am I getting back to school?"

"Tomorrow." she replies as reading the plane magazine.

"Aw, seriously, mum? Can't I get some sort of... rest after this heavy flight?" I say trying to sound smart.

"No, Harry. You already missed one semester in your new school, you can't waste more time." she doesn't even look at me.

I groan and throw myself on the seat and plug my ear buds, playing to Green Day's "Kill the DJ".


"Welcome to the new house!" my mum says excited as soon she opens the front door.

"It's really pretty!" my sister says excited, "Too bad I'm only staying for three weeks before college starts."

"Wait, you're going to college here too?" I ask not aware of the situation.

"Silly, not here exactly. I'm going to Cornell, it's also easier for me since it's closer than Holmes Chapel."

"Oh no, well duh..." I say annoyed, "Thanks Gemma, I've seen a map before..."

She laughs, "Just saying, lil bro." she smiles at me.

"Well guys, Harry you have to go to bed early, what if we order pizza?" my mum says.

"Pizza? Mum, you're the best." I reply as Gemma gets her phone and dials the number.


I walk into my new school. Is it abnormal if I don't feel nervous at all?

I look at my schedule and walk inside the building, where a guy with pale skin and blue eyes greet me.

"What's up? Are you new here?" he asks with a smirk.

"Um, yeah. I'm Harry Styles." I lay my hand.

The guy shakes it, "Dylan Matthews. So let me see your schedule." he says grabbing the paper from my hand, "Cool, we have all of our classes together." he looks up, "You should hang out with me and my group, you look like a cool guy."

"Well, thank you."

"Well, since it's your first day we can just hang out around the school."

"But wait... don't we have class?"

Dylan laughs, "We'll say I was just showing you around."

"Amazing." I smile as start walking with Dylan.

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