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Me: Hooray for double update!!

Gaara: shouldn't you be studying?

Me: I will study.. later

Sasuke: says the girl who slept last night after saying those exact same words

Me; shut up Sasuke!! this time I mean it

Gaara: you better get good grades.. or else...

Me: -gulps- or else what?

Shukaku: I'll visit you in your sleep

Me: motherf****!!! if you do that I'm killing off your scenes!!

Gaara: you can't kill me off.. I'm the main character

Me: .....




Ai stood there, frozen. Her mind went blank. The man she was told not to approach, the man that had dangerous intentions for her and her brother had just appeared... right before her eyes.

"O-orochimaru." she breathed out.

"Medeshibo Ai.. you really don't know when to listen to your superiors huh? you even came looking for me." Orochimaru chuckled darkly

"I.. I didn't... my feet dragged me here.. and.."

"silly girl.. your feet dragged you here cause you wanted to see me.. to see what I wanted." he licked his lips with his long snake like tongue and Ai winced in disgust

"gross.." she mumbled

"sorry, it's a habit." Orochimaru smiled

"what do you want from me? and niichan?" Ai said taking a fighting stance

"the power in you is limitless, I can help you in advancing it, in a faster way." he licked his lips again and did handsigns,

"but first, let me test your abilities"

Ai's POV

Orochimaru did handsigns and I jumped back, dozens of snakes came out of his hands and I took out my scroll to get my scythe.

"what the hell?!!" I yelled and slashed on the snakes, I jumped on the trees but the snakes followed me wherever I go, I jumped high and did handisgns of my own

"fire style: dragon's flame jutsu." I blew out fire that is shaped like a huge dragon's head, it devoured the snakes burning them in the process.I stood on the trees looking for more snakes, when I found none I breathed deeply

"you shouldn't relax one bit Ai-chan." Orochimaru appeared behind me and kicked my stomach, I flew through through tree trunks, my bones and ribs cracking. I spat out blood and tried to stand

"I will give you a present, something I didn't give Sasuke-kun." he smiled and sliced my wrist. I shouted in pain as I felt the flesh be torn apart, Blood ran down my wrist down to my arm. the diziness consuming me. Orochimaru bit his palm and he placed it over my bleeding wrist.

"summoning transfer." he said and I felt both pain and power go through my veins.

"w-what is this?" I stuttered and fell on my knees, he smiled wickedly and took my blood in his fingers, he wiped them on a newly appeared marking on my wrist. He formed my other hand into a handsign

"summoning jutsu." he said and a large poof of smoke covered the place. I coughed and placed my hands on the ground... only.. it wasn't the ground anymore...

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