July 13th, London, 1899

55 1 0

Dear Diary...

I begin to write in my diary. I was at my study desk in my bedroom. It was 9pm and I was dressed in my nightie, about to fall asleep.

My candle lighted the whole room.

My bedroom was quite small, it had a single bed, a small window with a flower pot outside, my desk, and a small closet which held my clothes.

Today I went to the duck pond and fed the ducks bread. There was a new batch of ducklings that were completely adorable.

Mr Hallows sat beside me on the park bench and told me about the 'good old days' where everything was better. We sat talking for hours. It was great fun.

Afterwards I returned home and Mother asked me to fetch some groceries at the shop. So i ran there and back.

I helped her make supper and father said grace.

He told me that if i dont find a suitable lover by the time he has given up, he will have to choose one for me.

Im not ready for a new life-style, life is complicated enough. I dont want to change, its happened too quickly.

More tommorrow, maybe.


I climbed into bed and blew out the candle. It shimmered, and i yawned.


1899 ~ LondonWhere stories live. Discover now