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"the usual?" the barista smiles at me and i nod my head, making my way to the same table that i sit at everyday.

as soon as i reach the old wooden table, full of doodles from me, the owners don't mind though, i take out my sketchbook and begin to draw.

"here you are, harry." i mumble a 'thank you' with a small smile and take a sip of my warm green tea.

i look up for a split second as the bell to the door dings in my ear and i quickly look away so the beautiful boy doesn't see me staring. he is absolutely gorgeous yet, i don't know his name.

the pages in my sketchbook are full of different drawings of the boy. most people would think that's a little creepy but i just can't help it.

i look up a second time and i slowly begin to panic a bit, the boy is making his way towards me.

"what's in that sketchbook of yours, curly?" his voice is angelic, really.

"what's it to ya', blue -- y?" an amused expression makes its way to his face.


"your eyes are really blue and i like them." i shrug.

"why do you like them so much?" he puts his wallet in his back pocket and i can't hep but notice how small and frill his hands are.

"i don't know, they just captivate me." i bring my hands up to cover my mouth.

i did not just say that.

he smiles, "quite a vocabulary you got on you --"


"i think i'll call you harold." my cheeks flush a red color.

"what's your name?" i ask back.


"i think i'll call you lou." he smiles.

"mind if i take a seat, harold?"

"i- sure." i sigh and go back to drawing the picture of louis.

"you still didn't answer my question." he sips at his beverage.

"hm?" i hum in response.

"what are you always drawing?" my eyes widen and i quickly shut my sketchbook and stuff it in my bag.

"nothing, i-it's nothing." i force a fake smile on my face and wrap my hands around my cup.

"well no one hides their sketchbook for nothing." he makes air quotes when he says 'nothing'.

"just forget about it- no put that down!" i lunge at louis to get my sketchbook out of his hands and he gets out of his seat.

"please, s-stop! give it back!"

it was too late, he was flipping through all the pages with his mouth hanging open.

"d-did you draw all of these, harry?"

i hesitantly nod and he closes the sketchbook and hands it back to me, "they're really good."

i furrow my eyebrows, "you're not creeped out?"

"well, it's . . different but . . no." a wave of relief flooded through me.

i like lou.


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captivated; stylinson au (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now