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Lance was sitting on his bed looking obsessively at his phone screen; he was looking at pictures of Allura he had taken from his phone. Whenever they hung out, they would take lots of pictures together. Sometimes Allura would ask Lance to take pictures of her, because Lance was a really good photographer. In fact, one of Lance's many passions was photography and editing.

He had an album on his phone entirely with Allura's pictures; he could look at her smile all day long and he would never get tired of it. Allura was beautiful. Even though Lance met a lot of beautiful women in his life, Allura had her own charm.

Lance thoughts were interrupted, when Keith grabbed his phone.

"Hey, give it back!" said Lance frustrated as he quickly jumped off his bed to grab his phone.

Keith lifted his phone on the air. "You need to snap out of it".

"You have no right to grab my phone, give it back!"

Keith through Lance's phone on his bed and he quickly grabbed Lance from his cheeks. "Dude, you need to calm down".

"I will as soon as I get my phone back" said Lance and run towards Keith's bed to grab his phone. He held it tightly on his chest, avoiding any possible eye contact with Keith.

"Staring at your phone all day long is not gonna help you Lance".

Lance ignored Keith's words and remained on his position.

"Look, I know you really care about Allura..."

"Care is an understatement" Lance interrupted Keith before he continued.

Keith sighed deeply. "I do realise that you love Allura. But you need to keep on living your life. Just like she does".

"This is not the problem Keith... I mean, I want Allura to be happy more than anything in the world, but... out of all people" Lance turned to face Keith "why Lotor?"

Keith came closer to Lance, whose body was trembling, and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"She probably will realise sooner or later that Lotor is a scumbag" said Keith with a soft smile. "Everything is going to be fine Lance".

Lance wanted to believe Keith's words more than anything. But how was that possible? Allura loved Lotor dearly.

"Since it's Saturday, we should do something" said Keith. "Get dressed. We are going to the mall".

Lance goggled his eyes as soon as he heard that; Keith suggesting that they go to the mall was beyong unimaginable. He wasn't the type of person who enjoyed crowded places and would certainly rather stay at home, as opposed to Lance who absolutely adored spending hours window shopping.

Who was Lance to turn down such an opportunity?


Hunk drove Pidge, Lance and Keith and throughout the whole route, Pidge and Lance would complain about Hunk's car.

"Don't insult my baby like that in front of me! I treasure this car more than my own life!" Hunk defended his car with everything he got.

"Can't this thing go any faster?" complained Pidge.

"Have you ever considered spraying the car with some aromatic spruce? I'm 100% sure that something died in here a long time ago" added Lance.

Hunk didn't respond. He just sighed and continued driving his car.

Unlike Pidge and Lance, Keith actually liked Hunk's car. It reminded of his big brother love for vintage cars. Keith would spend lots of time at Shiro's workplace, where he would help him repair old cars and make them brand new.

"Can you all stop complaining? I don't see Keith having any problem with my baby".

"Keith is probably being polite" said Pidge.

"Actually, I don't really mind the car. But it definetly needs some painting. You should definetly consider visiting my brother's workshop sometime, he will make your great car even more greater".

"Awww you are too shit Keith" said Hunk smiling.

"So, is Keith implying that this car is so terrible that it needs to be fixed?" said Lance.

"He is such a diplomat" added Pidge.

"Thanks for the offer Keith. I will definetly consider this opportunity. And enough with the comments about my car!"


The day went smoothly. Hunk and Lance would spend countless hours at the stores in the mall, while Pidge and Keith would take their time walking randomly. Keith and Pidge weren't that much of spenders. If it were up to them, they would probably spend their whole time at the arcade section of the mall.

"I'm thinking of cutting my hair. How about a pixie cut?" said Pidge.

"It would probably look good on you. But I kinda like your long hair" replied Keith.

"Hmmm..." said Pidge and she slurped her bubble tea. "Lance seems better today. It is as if yesterday didn't happen".

"Trust me, he was a mess this morning".


And then there was an awkward silence between them.

"I just wish he would talk about it more" said Pidge "he is very vulnerable when he drinks".

"Yeah, I've noticed" said Keith and drank his milkshake.

"Does he... at least talk to you?"

"Not really".

There was an awkward silence again.

"It's weird, isn't it? To think that Lance, who we always beg to shut up as soon as he opens his mouth..."

Pidge didn't get to finish her sentence. Lance and Hunk were running towards their place, holding a bunch of shopping bags.

"Ready to hit the arcade room?" said Lance eagerly.

Pidge's voice immediately changed, as if the whole discussion between her and Keith about Lance never happened.

"Prepare to get fucked".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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