Tag, I'm It

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          I don't know what I'm doing. I've never been tagged before, so I'll just answer the questions and tag some people and if I did something wrong, you can hate me and I won't mind.

1) Favorite color

I don't have a specific favorite color, when I try to boil it down to one, I'm indecisive. Let's just say I don't like pink for clothes and I don't generally like yellow. Other than that, I'm not really picky about colors. (Sorry if I'm supposed to be specific...)

2) Favorite story you've written

Out of all the stories I've written, I'm most proud of Fractured because I've been most successful with the character development. (I also have my character's name as my pen name, so...)

3) Favorite/Spirit animal

My favorite animal is probably either a wolf or a bunny. I know, those are opposite ends of the spectrum, but I really like wolves because they're pretty and powerful, but then again, who doesn't love bunnies? They're so soft and adorable.

4) Favorite number

My favorite number is 10 because I do a lot of math and that's generally one of the easiest numbers to work with.

5) Favorite fandom you're a part of

Okay, so I'm torn. I really love The Maze Runner, but at the same time, I've been a fan of MARVEL everything for longer and I'm generally more passionate about that, so I think I'm going to say MARVEL. (By the way, #TEAMCAP all the way.)

6) Something nobody/Very few people know about you

Hmm. This one is hard. I don't have many secrets, I know it sounds crazy, but really. Oof, this is tough. Okay, so I guess something most people don't know at first when they meet me is my age. I'm about a year younger than the rest of my grade, two years for some people. I skipped a grade when I was home schooled so I'm a fourteen-year-old Sophomore in high school.

7) Favorite cosplay group, favorite member of that group

Okay, so don't kill me. I don't know much about cosplay and I have no idea what this question is. Don't hate me, please.

8) Favorite cosplay of yours

Again, sorry.

9) Guilty pleasure

Definitely binging on popcorn. You know when you sit down for a movie marathon with five bags of popcorn, but you finish them before the opening credits end? That's me.

10) Sexuality

Okay, this is strangely unrelated to the other questions, but I'm still going to answer. I'm a straight female.

11) Any (desire for) piercings, or change in hair color

I have my ears pierced, and if I change my hair color, I'll probably just add red highlights because I have auburn hair and I wish it was more red. Nothing major.

Now I have to tag eleven people . . .

First, my brother,


And then the other ten will be . . .











I was tagged, don't know what I'm doing...Where stories live. Discover now