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Maggie stumbles through the crumbling door and lands in the arms of her sister. The two guards stare in bewilderment, the spell Rose had cast broken. They scramble for their guns, shouldering them and unlocking the safety.

"Now now, boys. Are weapons really necessary? After all we've been through?" Rosemary casts another spell, a binding spell. The guns fall to the ground with a metallic thud, and from inside the warehouse, there's a scream. Maggie's skin prickles.

"Rose, Julien is still in there!" The young witch screams at her elder sister, pulling on her arm. Rose studies her sister's face, and suddenly she remembers the day their father died. Maggie has hardly changed since then. Her eyes, still the innocent shade of blue they've always been plead with Rose to follow. The older witch sighs.

"Alright, let's go get him. Even though he basically left you for dead," Rose rolls her eyes, but ultimately leads the two of them to battle. Inside the warehouse is a bloody mess, both men covered in cuts and bruises. Most of the blood pooled on the floor is coming from a wound on Julien's head.

"Rose? The hell are you doing? Get Maggie out of here!" Julien commands. Rose shakes her head.

"She's not going anywhere until she knows you're safe," Rose says. All parties freeze when the harsh sound of laughter from a wounded man echoes through the room.

"Moon Witch, there's one way to save your husband," Lukas spits, saliva stained pink. His nose is broken and his lip split. Julien got a few good hits in, despite being weaponless, "Give yourself to me, and I'll let him live. I'll let your sister live too. All you need to do is give yourself to me. Give me the power the Corporation so desperately needs." Lukas holds out a bloody hand to Maggie. She can't tell where his blood ends and Julien's begins, but she finds herself almost taking the hand. Almost. She shakes her head, tears stinging the backs of her eyes like knives.

"Maggie, don't!" Julien shouts.

"Maggie, come with me. It's going to be okay," Rose grabs her sister's shoulders. Maggie shakes her off.

"I'm not losing any more people, Rose. Dad died because of me, I'm not going to let that happen again. Not this time," With a teary smile she turns to Julien, "You let him take me, but you came back. I owe you this one small favor." Reaching behind her, she takes Lukas's hand.

"Maggie, no!" Both Julien and Rose lunge for the witch of legend, and neither is successful. Lukas laughs.

"Your beloved Maggie belongs to me now, along with every ounce of power in her body," Lukas grabs Maggie by the waist and hoists her up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, "I'll leave her ashes for you to clean up later." He sneers, leaving the broken pair of loved ones in his wake.  

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