"Namjoon!" I whined as he chuckled on the other end of the phone. "I can't believe he did that!"

   "I can" He mumbled before trying to comfort me. "But don't worry too much about it, he was probably just messing around. It's kind of what he's known for." I put my phone in my left hand and put my right in my pocket to protect the cold air from nipping at my skin.

   My teeth chattered slightly, a pout forming on my face, "I totally embarrassed myself in front of him too, I'm so stupid." My eyes danced across the view in front of me, trying to find my apartment.

   "Hey, why were you hitting on Yoongi anyway? He's my roommate, that'd be awkward. I can't even imagine coming home to whatever you two would be doing at our apartment." I heard him make a gagging sound while I rolled my eyes.

   "So that's his name, huh?" I fumbled with my keys as I reached my door. "And trust me, I don't think that in a million years something between him and I would happen. So relax."

As soon as I said that, another voice was heard that wasn't Namjoon's, saying something along the lines of "Who are you on the phone with?" The familiarity of it made me drop my keys on accident, mumbling a faint 'fuck'.

"Hey I should probably hang up, I just got home and it's not the best for you to talk while driving." Bending down to reach my keys, I winced when I heard my knees crack. "Have a good night, Joon."

"You too, Yerin. Stay safe."

And with that the call ended and I shuffled into my apartment, flinging myself on the couch almost immediately. Eyes tiredly closing to the sound of the fan softly humming.

   Finally some peace and quiet.

   "You got home late." My body jumped in shock, glancing around only to relax when I found the owner of the voice.

    "You scared me." A groan escaped my mouth as I removed my jacket and gave her a look. "I don't even know what you're doing here or how you got in."

    A glint quickly caught my eye, something was shining on her slim fingers. "Spare key", she smugly smiled, accomplished. "Also, do I need a reason to see my best friend?" She teased as she walked over, giving me a pat on the back.

    "Well seeing as it's 2 in the morning, yes, it'd be nice to have a reason," She followed me into my room and I quickly changed clothes.

    "Well I was here earlier but- Wow my friend is one hot mami!" I finally looked at her after she whistled and I shot her a glare as I finished putting on my pants. "But you weren't here so I decided to wait for you."

   "I just want to sleep, Babe." Yawning, I fell onto my bed and snuggled into my blankets. My bed has never felt as comfy as it feels right now.

   "Hey I didn't come here for nothing, 'Babe'" She mocked as she sat at the edge of my bed, softly looking at my tired appearance. "I wanted to tell you that even though I've been busy this past week, if you ever want to talk, and I mean ever, I am here for you. I don't want you to feel like you're going through this break up alone, got it?"

   A small smile found its way to my face as I turned to look at her, "Jihye, that's all you came to say? You waited how long for me to come home to tell me this?" Shaking my head, I let out a small chuckle, "Idiot." With that being said, I scooted over and patted the other side of my king sized bed. "Get in."

   Jihye rolled her eyes before jumping into bed next to me, playfully snuggling into the blankets. Her happy attitude quickly faded as I reminded her she has to turn off the lights.

    With a groan, she lazily dragged herself up, turned off the lights, and snuck her way back into bed. "There, now sleep."

    "Don't need to tell me twice."


Searing sunshine shone through my curtains and onto my face as I struggled to open my eyes. My alarm was blaring loudly so Jihye rolled over next to me and turned off the alarm clock.

A groan left my lips as I tried not to fall back asleep, my bed sheets felt like heaven right now and I didn't want to move an inch. I don't know if it was because of how comfortable I was or because I was going to have to get up and get ready for a long day of work.

Despite my want to stay in bed, I dragged myself towards my dresser and changed into my work clothes. I heard a faint "Thottie mommy" come from Jihye but I decided to ignore it and try my best to make my hair look presentable.

After I tamed my hair, I put some music on to make things a bit easier. My feet guided me to the bathroom where I put my contacts in and blinked a few times, praying that they won't fall out.

About a half hour later did I finally decide I was ready, grabbing my subway pass and my phone. Feet rushing towards the door, I loudly let Jihye know I was leaving, and with that I was on my way to work.

The city bustled with lively people, rushing to beat the clock. My shoes scrapped against the sidewalk as I made my way to the subway, fiddling with my phone, passing it from one hand to the other.

That was until I bumped into a stranger.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" I quickly apologized staring at my feet, hoping he wasn't too mad at me. That's when I noticed I dropped my phone. Before I could reach down to grab it myself, the mysterious man bent down to grab it for me. I slowly looked up to meet his eyes and he gave me a charming smile, extending my phone out towards me.

"Sorry, I should've watched where I was going. You're okay right?" Nodding with a rosy face, I thanked him quietly and took my phone gently from him. This man was strangely beautiful, beauty marks adorned his face which made him all the more unreal.

    "Woah" I muttered as I took all of him in, his eyes twinkled in mischief as a hardy laugh left his lips. "Oh sorry, I meant yeah I'm fine," A smile laced my lips as his laughing slowly came to a halt.

    "Bold now are we? Have a good day ma'am" He winked and rushed off once again, leaving me bewildered and amazed.

    What have I done in my past life to see so many handsome men in such a short period of time?

   With a giddy grin upon my lips, I continued on my way to work with a hop in my step. Many people gave me weird looks but I didn't mind.

   Whatever it was, I'm glad I did it.


   After a short subway ride, I finally arrived at work. Gracefully, I entered the cafe, hugging my coat close to my body. Immediately the smell of pastries hit my nose and it's in moments like these where I'm glad to have a job that I love.

   "Good morning" A subtle smile graced my face as my coworker greeted me, her cute ruffled top suited her soft features.

    "Morning" The reply left my lips like a feather, it floated in the air in a comfortable silence. My eyes sneaked another peak at her while she wasn't looking before I decided to get to work.

    I wish I could be that pretty.

    My breath hitched as I stubbed my toe on a table leg, causing me to wince in pain.

    See this is what happens when you don't pay attention.

    A sigh left my lips as I regretted my life choices.

    I have a feeling this is going to be a very long day.

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