Forms/My OC

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Date of Birth:

Species: (none of that half-neko bs)







Best Friend:

Past location/from: (Optional)







Theme song:


Superhero/Villain Name:

CAF or FP:

Hero or villain:




Theme song:

Other (for your normal oc):

Other (for their hero alter ego):


Name: "Lola, why u ask?" Lola winter-Smooth

Nickname/s: "oh i dunno, whore, thot skank. the usual"

Age: "rude!...nah jk i'm ten"

Date of Birth: "January 5th 2004"

Species: "normal human"

Gender: "a...girl???"

Pronouns: "she,her. sometimes they"

Sexuality: "StrAIGHT AS A DICK!"

Crush: " nope! not sayin' anythin'! nope. nuh uh!" Kenny/Mysterion

Looks: "yer starin' at me" Brown hair, Brown eyes, grey beanie, black hoodie, light blue torn jeans and black shoes.

Friends: "The main boys and a fewwww of the girls. and the goth kids"

Best friend: "kenny, mah right hand man, i'd go to the ends of the earth for him. also he's ho-"

Past location/from:  "England. ya know, the place where half a million of us have chlamydia?" (<- not true)

Personality: Lewd, vulger and pervy. but when your her close friend, she's actually really humble, laid back, and sweet.

Likes: "porn, hangin' out with tha boiz and stealing left behind hentai magz some fat bimbat left"

Dislikes: "when my squad are sad and 6 graders honestly"

Backstory: Lola may seem like a fine, humble girl, but she's been through alot. she didn't become a perv by choice, her mega horny parents would watch porn and read porno magz openly around her. Lola's parents taught her about the birds and bees when she was one. they Moved to south park, lola thought things will be better, but nope! her parents went at it even during the day. Lola is planning to escape south park and start a new life. but after what she seen happen to Kenny, Karen and Kevin, she plans to take them too.

Quotes: "right! lets fucking go!"


" do as i say and i'll give you...'special service' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

*talking to Mysterion* "my parents...broke me, i want to run away from south park with Kenny Karen and Kevin, but i keep running back here, i want to protect them"

Theme song: Dirty love by Kesha


Superhero/Villain Name: " ahuhuhu~ by day i'm this Lola girl, by night i'm known as STDiva!"

CAF or FP: "Former Coon n' Friend. now freedom pal"

Hero or villain: "i save the world with stds!" hero

Looks: thick rimmed goggles, a black latex sweater with a v cut, black trousers with shoes and fingerless gloves. and a cape. she also carries a spray bottle filled with salted water and 'STD' labeled on it.

Class: Contractionist (her own class)

Powers: " i use sexual illnesses ta save tha world!"

Theme song:

Backstory: STDiva was struck by the ancient lightning of evil misfortune. but instead of going evil, she was able to control her powers and use them for good

Other (for your normal oc): Lola is a closet Blood on the dance floor fangirl.

Other (for their hero alter ego): none.

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