Chapter 5• The Hospital

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I started this immediately after I uploaded the last chapter. Enjoy! 💋
<btw I'm not good with this situation or hospitals so juuuuust go with the flow.>


Alex sat in the chair next to Pipers hospital bed holding her hand with tears running down her face.

"Piper.. babe I want you to wake up for me. I need you. Your daughter Nessa needs you. Nicky and Daya needs you. Please piper do it for us. I love you so much. Maybe one day when we're ready we can have another baby, with a baby shower and everything. Yes of course after we get married. That's if you ever decide you're ready for another baby. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Piper this has scared me so much I don't know if you'll live so if you do I want you to marry me so I won't lose you again. When you wake up if you can hear me all I want is a yes or no. I'll be fine with either. I understand it's only been a short amount of time. Only a few months. But these few months have taught me so much. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Grow old and eat soup on the front porch and talk about life and politics together. I love you baby. Please, wake up." Alex sobbed squeezing her hand.

She had already been sitting there crying for 10 minutes waiting on news from any nurses or doctors. Alex sang to her, told her old life stories about her family, kissed her and told her how much she loved her. She was singing a song until she heard a soft knock on the door and a nurse with tied hair came in half smiling.

"Unfortunately Ms. Chapman suffered a head injury when she hit the stairs. It doesn't mean she lost her memory though. She just needs to continue resting." Alex nodded her head to let her know she was listening.

"Now about the pains, headache, and bleeding... we did multiple test, but the baby unfortunately didn't survive. I'm sorry." Alex showed no emotion until she caught on.

"Baby? What baby? She wasn't pregnant. She can't have a miscarriage. She already had a baby 4 months ago." She furrowed her brows and sat up.

"Ms Chapman came in for the insemination 6 weeks ago didn't she?" The doctor was now totally confused. Their hospital never had any miscommunications when it came to appointments.

"No Piper came to get her blood drawn and check for any diseases." Alex bit her bottom lip.

"It says here that.... oh my gosh. He mixed the damn charts again. That fucker. I'm sorry I'll be right back." The nurse was flipping through the papers on the clipboard. Alex rolled her eyes and sat back down closing them.

She heard a soft groan.

She shot her eyes open and looked at piper.

"Oh babe you're up. How do you feel? Are you okay? You need medicine? Something to drink, food anything?" Alex asked grabbing her hand into both of her hands.

"Babe I'm fine. There is something though." She squeezed her hand and smiled

"What's that?"

"You.. me.. Vanessa.. baby number two.. and a ring on my fourth finger." Piper whispered as Alex raised her eyebrows with no expression.

".....yes Alex." Alex now has the biggest smile on her face. She cupped pipers face softly and kissed her. .

"I love you." Alex whispered.

"Miss Vause." The nurse was back with another doctor by her side. He was a tall Mexican guy with a beard.

"I want to apologize for mixing her charts on her last visit. That was my mistake, I was going through somethings and I was distracted. It won't happen again. My apologies." He smiled sincerely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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