its a war, not a birthday party

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This was originally written for and posted on the Training for the Storm Amino


Okay, let’s start with an introduction. I’m a person who left the mythical community not that long ago, address me as Finn. Me and hanako are here to address an issue.

Me and hanako have been talking, and we’ve realized this community has a huge problem. Lack of effort. When I(Finn) first joined this community, it was amazing. People planning, training, leading, and overall preparing for the horrors of war. That’s not here anymore. People have grown lazy. Ignorant, and selfish. People aren’t planning, taking into consideration different situations they’ll be in, or the danger of normal people in this war. Hundreds, thousands will die. People aren’t remembering that.

People are saying they want to be heroes—then show it! Let’s look at the definition of Hero, shall we?

Hero(noun)— A, a mythological or legendary figure often of Divine descent endowed with great strength or ability:

B, a illustrious warrior

C, a person admired for achievements of noble qualities

D,  one who shows great courage.

We’re looking at C and D. Who here wants to be a hero to save others? To help people? I don’t see many. Most, though they won’t admit, just want to have glory, or be a spectacular mythical being above others. I admit, originally I just wanted to be able to be better than my family. But that grew. Eventually, I just wanted to save people from the horrors of warfare when it happened. But no one is planning anymore. Most are just sitting like ducks, waiting for someone to take charge.

No one’s moving. No one seems to be taking into account that in a little over four years, you’ll all be fighting for your lives. Just survival. That’s when it’ll be sorted: the heroes and the survivors. People who save, people who survive, and the remaining; those who run.

I just want everyone to have a wake-up call—it doesn’t matter what your power is, where you’re from, or what your gosh darn ancestors are! It matters whether you fight or not! You can’t wait for a base to pop out of nowhere, you have to act! Prepare! Be a leader!

Just, it’s a warning. Soon enough, the war will be here, and you’ll all be crying over how stupid you were to not have prepared.

-I apologize that this may sound violent, I’m just frustrated over how no one will act on what they say they want. If you want it, get it. It’s how reality works, sadly, you have to work hard and make sacrifices to get what you want.-


So, as you just read, there haven't been that many people actually planning and preparing for this war. Honestly, I don't believe in the Storm but it is a possibility which is the whole reason why I decided to make this post. If the storm does occur, we need to prepare for the blood bath. Loved ones, friends, family, and strangers will be dying around us constantly, we need to know and understand this. It'll traumatize us no matter how mentally strong we think we are. If you don't want your loved ones to die then train, plan, and do whatever you can to stop them from being killed. I know it'll be tough but I believe in us, I believe that we can stop and win the war.

I've seen some posts talking about some kinds of planning but really, we barely have anything planned if anything at all. We. Need. To. Prepare. We need people who are actually willing to fight or at least help in the slightest, we need all the help we can get no matter how small. If gods and goddesses are real, then we need to somehow form alliances with them even if they're just minor deities.

The war is said to happen in four years (which isn't really that far away), so that only gives us four years to train, get our powers, and figure this whole thing out.

It's a war, not a birthday party.


To put it simply, a war is kill or get killed. It’s utterly terrifying that kids will have to face that (honestly I agree with 024, I’m not entirely faithful in the Storm but still.) type of horror, but it’s your decision.

To put it bluntly, prepare or suffer. Choose which one you want, and act on it.

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