3 Hours, 27 minutes

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"You should wear the black one." Tammy said from where she was laying on Zarina's bed, flipping through a fashion magazine. "Andrew prefers you in that one." Zarina rolled her eyes, "That's only because it's easy to have sex while wearing it." Tammy snorted, "I told you before you dated him, that boy only thinks with one head, and unfortunately it's the one in his pants."

Zarina plopped down on the bed, "I know." She sighed. "I'm going to break up with him." Tammy looked at her then, her perfectly groomed brows raised, "At the Senior Bonfire?" Zarina nodded, "If I do it there, he'll have Sandra there to comfort his aching dick." Tammy snorted before she began to laugh, "You have a point."

There was a knock on the door before her mom poked her head into the room, diamond earrings sparkling in the light from the lamp by the door. "You're dad and I are gone to that dinner with his boss." She told her. Zarina got up and gave her mom a hug and kiss on the cheek. "By mom, I hope dad gets that promotion." Zarina said smiling brightly. "You girls have fun. If you have too much to drink tonight, call me and I'll come pick you up."

"Aren't you supposed to tell us not to drink?" Tammy teased with a giggle. Zarina's mother rolled her eyes, "What's the point if you're going to do it anyways?" The girls nodded, "True." Zarina said. "Bye girls." Her mother said before leaving the room.

"Now let's get ready." Tammy said while pushing Zarina back to the closet.

Zarina rolled her eyes as she drove her and Tammy to the party. The radio was on, speaking about The End of The World. "In less than two hours the meteor is going to hit the Earth. The NASA scientists claimed there is no seeing it until it enters Earth's atmosphere. The speed it's travelling will allow it to hit with such force it will wipe everyone and everything out, no matter where it hits."

Tammy reached over and turned it off, "I'm so tired of hearing that crap." Zarina shrugged, "The president gave a huge speech the other day about it being a hoax, claimed the scientists are insane or something." Tammy nodded, "Well they sounded pretty insane claiming the meteor is made of some unknown chemical compound that could mutate the survivors. How would they even know that if they don't have the meteor to do tests on?" Zarina shrugged her shoulders, "No clue."

When they pulled up to the party they dropped the conversation and decided to enjoy themselves. Music blared, and teenagers danced around a large bonfire. Many snuck off into the woods together to find their own release while others decided to down the drinks. Andrew smirked when he saw Zarina. Zarina only felt disgust. "Hey baby." He greeted while throwing his arm around her shoulders.

His breath reeked of beer and weed. She brushed his arm off, "We need to talk." She lead him to the edge of the party, away from all of his friends. "Andrew it's not working out between us." She told him simply. "You're breaking up with me?" He asked. No amount of hurt showed on his face. Only shock, as if he couldn't believe someone would want to break up with him.

She nodded, "Yeah I am. You'll be fine though, you have plenty of girls chasing after you. How about you let Sandra comfort you?" He glared, "If that's what you want, fine." He stalked away and went to Sandra, taking her hand and leading the smiling girl in the skimpy dress to the woods.

Tammy then approached her with a cup of alcohol. Zarina didn't know if it had beer or what, she just took it and downed it. "Now let's have some fun."

As they danced and had fun, they lost track of everything. Until suddenly the music stopped and some girls began to scream. Everyone turned and saw a large glowing green ball of flames soaring to the Earth like a missile. Everyone began to scream and panic as they realized the scientists were right.

Tammy grabbed Zarina's hand and began to pull her to the car. "Where are we going to go?" Zarina asked her. "I don't know." She replied. They got to Zarina's car but from the honks and sounds of crashing coming from town, they knew it would be impossible. So instead, Tammy pushed Zarina up to the car, her lips on hers. "I love you Zarina, ever since sophomore year." Tammy said, tears streaming down her face. "I know you don't see me the same way, and thats okay. I just wanted to tell you before I never got the chance." Zarina didn't feel the same for her friend, but she did love her like a sister. She threw her arms around her and they held each other as they cried, saying their final good byes.

When the meteor hit, everyone was thrown back by it's great force. Zarina heard wolves howl in the distance as if telling the world good bye. The last thing she saw before she hit the ground was Tammy's lifeless eyes, staring at her.

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