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ZionKuwonu: visiting the other family for a week 🖤👤: LunaAlva2,628,267 likes|7,358 load more comments

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ZionKuwonu: visiting the other family for a week 🖤
👤: LunaAlva
2,628,267 likes|7,358
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Fan 5: awwwww
Fan 6: cuties 💕💕
Fan 10: 💗💗💗
BrandonArregea: i miss my bby🤒💕
AustinPorter: why'd you take my baby girl? 😔❤️
Fan 4:💛💛💛
missreine: my babies that I get to see today 🤪❤️💞
LunaAlva: i Look disgustang (insert Irish voice from when the girls wanted to since Cher Loyd by Cher Loyd) 💛 But look at my bebé
Fan 27: ^^i love her❤️😭😂
Fan 78: a duo I stan
NickMara: I miss Faith :(
EdwinHonoret: my babez🤒💞
Fan 55: 🤪💛💛
ZionKuwonu: @ LunaAlva iT wasNt Meh

Luna's POV;
I was nervous as hell. Not only was it stressful to travel with a newborn. But I was meeting Zion's family.

We got through security pretty quickly and now we were in the waiting area waiting for us to board. I was holding Faith and she was peacefully sleeping against my chest.

Zion was sitting next to me FaceTiming his mom.

"Yeah mom we got a delay on our flight so we might be like an hour late. But we'll be there soon."he smiled into the camera.

"Now where's my grand baby and my daughter in law?"she asked.

Zion pointed the phone towards us and I smiled. Mandy smiled and said "how are my girls doing?"

"We're fine. She's been sleeping most of the time so we're okay. She can't wait to see her grandma again."I said.

Mandy laughed. "And I can't wait to see her."

I smiled and Faith whined. I looked down at her and saw that she was starting to wake up. As soon as she woke up they called us to board.

Faith was now fully awake confused. I got up and swung the little back pack on my back. Zion walked behind me and handed the lady our tickets.

Thank god we were able to get first class so we found our seats and sat down. Faith furrowed her eyebrows and looked around. Zion sat next to me and started to get comfortable.

I kissed faiths forehead and put her head against my chest. We were about to take off and she was clearly very scared. I held her head with my hand and cradled her in my arms.

The plane soon did take off and once we got off the ground she started crying. I shushed her down trying to calm her down but she wouldn't budge.

"It's okay bebé. It's okay."I repeated holding her tightly.

She kept crying and Zion grabbed her from me. He held her and kissed her head repeatedly she soon started to calm down and now she was chilling.

I looked through my backpack and took out a pacifier and a blanket. I took a deep breath and grabbed Faith. I pushed the pacifier into her mouth and laid her down on my chest. I put the blanket over us and held onto her.

Her eyes started to get droopy as did mine. I yawned and closed my eyes.

4:26 pm.

"Hey bebé wake up."I heard a voice say.

I opened my eyes and yawned. I saw that we had landed and Zion was holding a sleeping Faith. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my backpack.

I grabbed some water and chugged the whole water bottle. I heard a chuckle from Zion and I smiled. Everyone was getting their baggage and I got up and swung the backpack on my shoulder.

Zion walked carefully into the aisle and we walked to the exit. We walked to baggage claim and got our luggage. Form there we went outside to wait for Mandy.

Being from LA I was wearing nothing but a shirt and some leggings. So I was basically freezing my ass off outside. I shivered and Zion laughed. He handed me faith and took another blanket from his backpack. He wrapped it around us and I was warm.

I pecked his lips and he smiled. He soon spotted Mandy's car and she pulled over. She got out of the car and ran over to us.

She hugged Zion and then hugged me. "Okay let's get in the car."she said.

I nodded and Zion put our luggage in the back and I sat down in the back. Zion sat in the passengers and we drove home.

Mandy made small talk with me but she just caught Zion up with some family details. We soon made it to the Kuwonu household.

It was beautiful. It was big yet not too big. Mandy parked in the garage and we all got out. Zion held my hand and squeezed it. I smiled at him and Mandy unlocked the door.

"Well here's our home."Mandy said. We walked inside and it felt so homey and lovely.

I smiled and we walked to the kitchen. I looked around and then noticed Faith was awake. I kissed her forehead and unwrapped the blanket from her.

"Grandma you have someone who wants to say hi."I said.

Mandy turned around and got the biggest smile seeing Faith. "My baby!"she said.

Faith smiled and put her arms out towards her. Mandy grabbed Faith and kissed her cheek repeatedly. Faith giggled and I smiled.

"Hey mom ima leave our luggage in my room."Zion said.

She nodded and kept baby talking to Faith. He grabbed me and picked me up. I gasped and he walked up the stairs. I giggled and we finally made it to his room.

He laid my down on the bed and he kissed me repeatedly. I laughed and he smiled at me.

"Wow already taking me to your room Mr. Kuwonu?"I asked.

"Well you are gonna be Mrs. Kuwonu soon so might as well."He said.

I blushed hard and hid my face in his neck. He laughed and I laughed.

Man this week is gonna be gr8.

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