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Here's how this book works: I present a set of characters of a given species, you request a pairing, I draw you a child of those two characters, and the child is yours to keep!

Some more detailed rules:

- A single person may only request 1 pairing per species.

- There will only be a given number of slots open at a time, so if the chapter is closed, wait until it is open before requesting.

- I am not obligated to post within a certain timeframe, or even to post at all. This is not my life, and drawing things takes time and energy.

- Above understood, I will try to post regularly, and at the very least to create all requested characters before ending the book (should this occur).

- Use only art that is created for you.

- Once a character is yours, they're yours. You may do with them what you wish.

That's all the rules for now, but I may change them if the need arises.

Two last things; firstly, this book is not original! I do not claim ownership of the concept, and if you would like to make a similar book, ask QueenEmber7 about it, not me.

Secondly, I would really appreciate if you could take a moment to tag a friend or two on this chapter. It's not a requirement, just a request.

Thank you for reading the boring bit!

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