The Night After

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It happened once again! This time, Haven. You thought it would have been the end of that academy as well. And it almost was. However, your friends had reunited to stop the attack. It was that night that both Team RWBY and (T/N) had stood once again in the face of evil. Granted, while Haven still stood, three of the attackers, Mercury Black Emerald Satusri, and newcomer (or really old comer) Hazel Rainart had escaped. None the less, Cinder was dead, Raven fled too. Adam Taurus was arrested along with his White Fang movement.

It was after the fight that everyone was able to catch up. You learned that Gure and Burly had actually become somewhat bounty hunters, carrying out missions throughout Remnant till the Atlesian Military hired them to go to Haven every night for about a month. Surely enough they were the first ones to fight off Adam. Weiss had escaped from her father and Yang had met her mother. The two then headed to Mistral and had been with you guys for about a month.

Blake had been in Menagerie and lead a resistance movement against the White Fang. And Silver was actually contracted by your parents to find you and assist you on your goal. Regardless, you all were back and safe together. Currently, you and your friends were inside the house you all had rented and decided to spend the night in celebration. Currently, the three teams were inside the dining hall laughing and just hanging out.

Gure: So then...I turn to the guy and I look at him dead in the face.

Burly: This is the best part.

Gure: Excuse me? Can't you let me eat my cake?

The whole room erupted into laughter as Blake leans over and places her head on Gure's shoulder. While Gure is a bit hesitant he wraps his arm around Blake and pulls her closer to him. Eventually, you, Ren, Blake and Silver were able to make a successful dinner and bring it to your friends.

(Y/N): Alright gang. Dig in!

Yang is quick to take a bit as is Gure and Burly. Ruby also quickly digs in. However, she takes considerably more than the rest and she begins to pant as her mouth is "on fire".

(Y/N): Well, when you're offered hot food, don't eat it all in one bit.

Ruby: Shut up! I know what I'm doing! I've handled worse.

Yang: She has!

Ruby then proceeds to wave air towards her mouth as it's practically on fire. You wrapped an arm around Ruby and pull her closer to you. You grabbed a glass of milk that Ruby had and began to pour it down Ruby's throat. She tapped your arm and stopped pouring. Ruby sat up and burped.

Ruby: I thank you.

(Y/N): Man. It's like your still ten.

Ruby: Hey!

Ruby began to playfully punch your arm to which you blocked and playfully returned the hits. However, afterwards ended in a bit of awkward silence.

Burly: So...what do we do now?

Ruby: Wha, what do you mean?

Burly: Well, I was just thinking that-

Blake: With everything that happened tonight, shouldn't we be concerned with Salem? We don't know what else could happen. Where they could strike next?

Qrow: Don't worry about it.

From behind Ruby and yourself, Qrow is standing in the doorway. As he walks into the room, he grabs a chair and stills down.

Qrow: It took them almost a year to even take ON Haven. Besides, we have Knowledge. And our next stop is Atlas.

Weiss: (To herself) What the heck?!

Silver pats Weiss' back in support.

Qrow: So, we got nothing to worry about. If I were you kids, I'd relax. Get some sleep. You guys earned it tonight.

With that Qrow leaves the room to let the eleven students to enjoy themselves. After dinner was all said and done, the group of teens moved on over to the main living space, flipped on the TV and just began to search through channels until you all found Spruce Willis' "Country Boy". Your father had gotten you interested in movies from his library and County Boy was one of your favorites.

Cleary, Ruby also seemed to be into it as well. It was just so amusing seeing Ruby hop around and act like a giddy child. Of course both you and Ruby playfully insulted one another over the attitude, but it was still fun all the time. As the night progressed a bit more, Gure fell asleep on the ground with Blake laying across the couch behind him. Blake reaches down and begins to pet Gure's head.

Gure slightly purred almost. Regardless, the two were the first one's to call it a night. After them is Yang and later Burly who nearly passed out after crashing down on the opposite couch. Silver and Weiss both took off later while you and Ruby stayed to watch the climax of "Country Boy 2" which was the amazing follow up to the first Country Boy.

As the night progressed, Ruby eventually began to lean against you, using your chest as a back rest. You wrapped your arms around Ruby and leaned forward, positioning your head on her shoulder. You both leaned your heads against one another and you just sighed in contempt. As you watch the random commercials that are shown between the movie, you could tell something was off. Whether it was Ruby's unusual breathing patterns or the odd look on Ruby's face.

(Y/N): You alright?

Ruby: Yeah! Why?

(Y/N): Ruby? What's wrong?

Ruby: You and Qrow will think it's stupid.

(Y/N): Hey. (Takes Ruby's chin in hand and turns to face her) Nothing you say or feel is stupid. Well, what you say can be stupid. I'm not saying you are, I'm just-

Ruby: (Y/N). I know. I guess, I'm just...sacred. What if Blake and Gure is right? What if Salem comes after us even faster than before? I'm just...

(Y/N): Hey. (Sighs) Ok. Look, I'm scared too. I'm scared of what could happen to you as well. You were shot. Targeted. And a lot of other horrible things that could happen to you. I'm scared of what WILL happen. But no matter what happens. I've always got your back. I just want you to know that.

Ruby: But what if they come after you too?!

(Y/N): Then let them. I'll fight through them all.

Ruby: But, Tyrian and Hazel and and-

(Y/N): I can manage them. Remember you are talking to one of the COOLEST teams to come out of Beacon.

Ruby: You guys didn't even graduate. You're also only 2 years older than me.

(Y/N): Yeah. And I'm still WAY cooler than you.

Ruby: Oh shut up!

Ruby tackles play you and you play wrestle back. The two of you fight along the couch, playfully tickling one another. During the play, you attempted to land a kiss on Ruby's neck to ease her down. However, your lips connected with her lips instead. You both stopped the play and grew large blushes. You didn't know what to do from there so Ruby took over. She moved her arms and wrapped them around your head and closeted her eyes and kept kissing you.

You had to admit, Ruby did come a long way since that Valentine's Day when you shared your first ever kiss. She (in reality) wasn't the best, but since she was both your first girlfriend and first kiss, she was still good. You had just hoped that she held you at equal value. The two of you broke the kiss and separated from one another.

Ruby: Wanna go to bed now?

(Y/N): Why? Feeling tired?

Ruby: A bit.

(Y/N): Alright. Up you go.

You picked Ruby up bridal style and carried her up to your room. The room itself had two different beds. You placed Ruby in hers and walked over to yours. However, before you turned back towards you, you saw Ruby in your bed. Your eye's cocked up in a questioning look.

Ruby: Just for tonight. Because of...Sa-

(Y/N): No need. Scoot over.

Ruby did so and lied down next to her. Ruby situated herself within your arms. You wrapped them around Ruby and the two of you drifted to sleep. 

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