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A/N: Hey readers!! Some of you are new and some of you are my amazing fans. I just want you to know that this book was written several weeks apart so if something doesn't match up or seems rushed, please let me know so I can adjust this.

This is the first time I've written about three people before, so be nice. lol

I love you all, I hope you enjoy.
There are parts in this book that may address sensitive topics, and I apologize for that in advance. I try to make my characters have completely different POV's so I have to think outside the box sometimes.

Enjoy Reading.


It was now or never. I began to violently open my dresser drawers as I pulled all of my contents out and shoved them into a large duffel bag. My heart was pounding so hard that I thought it might burst, and my thoughts were all jumbled with everything that could go wrong if I didn't hurry up. I had no idea what I was throwing into this bag and I didn't care either. As long as I had some type of clothes and a plan I would be fine.

I never expected my life to turn out this way, but nobody in their right mind would have. I was stuck in a relationship with a guy who had a heart made of ice and lived in a house that should be condemned according to state laws, but never was. Every day was a living nightmare for me and I was done with all of it. I couldn't do this anymore.

I only had a small window of time to escape and I was going to take it, even if my life was on the line. I couldn't stay here any longer and I wasn't going to. I'd kill the bastard before I stayed here any longer. Prison would be better than this place. Well, it was a nice thought, but I can't actually bring myself to kill him, no matter how much I hated that son-of-a-bitch.

I heard the sound I dreaded most as Karl's rumbling truck pipes echoed through the thin walls and the blood in my body ran cold. He wasn't supposed to be home yet. He wasn't even supposed to be in town.

I froze, looking at the half full duffel bag in my hands as I tried to think about what I was going to say. How I was going to explain myself. It wasn't going to look good when he walked in and saw me with a duffel bag full of clothes in my hands and a startled look on my face. I could never lie to him, he always knew what I was thinking before I even knew what I was thinking. And that always made it impossible to get away.

Until now.

The front door flew open and slammed shut with a bang as I jumped, listening to Karl's heavy boot steps coming closer and closer. The pounding of his boots matched the racing of my heart thumping against my chest.

"Adrena! Where the fuck you at?" His voice was filled with venom and I felt my eyes swim with tears. I quickly blinked them back, not wanting him to see me this way.

I didn't know what kind of mood he would be in, as I never did, and waited for him to come into the bedroom where I stood stiff as a board, still debating on what to say. He was going to be beyond angry and I knew he'd lose his mind if he knew what I was really up to.

Then he was there, standing in the doorway. His demeanor was filled with anger as he glared at me. Karl was the kind of guy that girl's looked at and drooled over while he grinned at them. He was beyond sexy in a bad-boy kind of way. His dirty blonde hair sat messed up on the top of a perfect face with a sculpted jaw and mesmerizing green eyes. Tattoos lined his arms, courtesy of my work, which only made him more good looking. But as I stood there and stared at him, knowing who he was underneath all those handsome features, he was now the ugliest person on the planet.

"What the fuck is this?" He nodded toward the bag in my hands.

I was shaking and still stood frozen, unsure what to say or do. My throat was dry and I wasn't sure if I could speak.

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