Chapter 2

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My heart was nearly pounding out of my chest and I felt affected all over. My nipples ached to be nibbled on, I ached to be touched between my thighs, and damn if my body didn't need an orgasm right now.

Never in my life have I had a man affect me so much before. Not even when I first met Karl and his charms. From the moment this Dash guy insulted my work to the moment he left my studio I was affected by him. Throw in his Irish accent and I was a goner. I tried so hard not to be affected by him but I couldn't help myself. Honestly, if we were in a more private setting, I would have jumped his bones right then and there and wouldn't have felt bad about it.

I didn't know Dash from a stranger on the street, but I felt something in him. Honesty. Integrity. Trust. I can't explain it, but I felt like I knew the man and it was doing all kinds of things to my mind and body, specifically my libido.

"Guess he liked your work, huh?" Kristina broke through my thoughts while I was helping her close up shop.

"Yep," is all I could say. I couldn't get the man out of my mind and it was driving me crazy. It was good thing I lived alone, because tonight I was going to pleasure myself to thoughts of him and not worry about being caught in the action. Damn, he made me hot.

"That's a pretty big feat. He doesn't just let anyone ink him. He's been Bobby's client for forever. So, I was surprised that he let you and scheduled another appointment for tomorrow."

When I turned to look at Kristina, she was smirking at me with a knowing look.

"Don't," I warned.

"What? I didn't say anything." Kristina held up her hands before she laughed. "But, it was hard to miss how he looked at you when you came in behind him."

I groaned. "Seriously, don't. You know I can't get mixed up with anyone right now. It isn't a coincidence that I ran from El Paso, Kris, and getting involved with a man right now is the last thing on my mind." Although it wasn't. He was on my mind at this very moment and I couldn't help but wonder how he would feel against my body. I had no doubt that man could pleasure me in more ways than one. And when he took his shirt off? I almost passed out from the sight of him. All hard, defined muscles beneath tanned skin made my mouth water. And who could ignore that five o'clock shadow he had on his jaw?" It took everything I had not to slip my fingers into his dark hair, pull him close, and nibble on that jaw of his while he explored my body with his strong hands.

"You still haven't told me what happened. Why you're here and not back home." Kristina was prying again and I was in no mood for it.

"I don't want to talk about it and I don't know if I ever will. Just remember that if anyone comes by or calls looking for me, you've never seen me." I haven't told Kristina anything, other than the fact that I was in a bad situation back home and needed a place to start over and that Kristina was to tell no-one.

Kristina sighed. "I wish you'd tell me something." She closed the cash register and grabbed her purse. "But, I get it. My lips are sealed. Not let's get out of here."

I was thankful that my cousin dropped the subject again for now and drove me home. I had stayed with Kristina when I first arrived, but her apartment was tiny and sleeping on her couch was the most uncomfortable thing I had ever slept on. So, I took part of the money I stole from Karl and put myself up in a small efficiency apartment.

After saying goodbye to Kristina, I climbed the steps to my apartment, let myself in, and slumped down on the thrift store couch I bought a few days ago and kicked my feet up on the coffee table. I didn't have much in here as I didn't need much and didn't want to spend all the money I stole in case I needed it for an emergency and just go the essentials; all at great prices down the road at the thrift store. I was thankful that the old lady who owned the building had her grandson over for the weekend and he helped me carry up my new/used furniture with no complaints. He hit on me, of course, but I shut him down as nicely as I could.

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