Chapter 3.3 - Amalia

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I shrink in place when I realize that everyone at the table heard my question.

All the lords and ladies at the high table, so eager to speak before stop. The hush that falls over the table is tense. King Lues diverts my question to his sister.

"My mother decided that I'd serve the kingdom better as a soldier than as a monarch, I can't say I disagree," the general responds. I notice something in her eyes, a familiar weight and sadness that I haven't seen in anyone since that day my life started anew, since Celesta Novilem.

"I'm glad that you aren't, if you were queen you wouldn't be able to compete," Lauria comments from besides me. "We all know that tournaments and mock battles would be dull without Dame Ilena Conclamata on the field."

"Hear, hear," Carber Thnitos chimes in raising his glass. He drinks a sip then stands, gathering the attentions of everyone below. "A toast to the King, Long may he reign!"

"Long live the king!" The crowd below bellows, raising and tapping their glasses in harmony.

I feel humbled by this declaration of love for the enemy that I've been training to fight and kill for half my life. Lues Conclamata stands up, pushing the throne-like seat back and raises his glass.

"Tomorrow is my thirty-sixth name day, and as such I will be hosting a tournament. I would like everyone who is here to spread the word around Moor, that food and drink will be provided free of charge to all citizens of Feralis," the king implores of his people. "I would also like you to help me welcome Amalia Crestman to our kingdom, with a toast to hope of peace."

"To peace!" Everyone in the hall shouts once again completely in sync. I marvel at this monster's ability to move a crowd, at how much different this experience has already been from what I expected.

"Ilena, can you escort Amalia back to her rooms? We wouldn't want her to get lost," Lues orders his sister at the conclusion of the meal. She rises and nods to the guards standing against the walls to follow us.


The hall is nearly empty save for myself and my escort. Torches in iron holders are spaced evenly along the castle walls. Windows let me peer out into the endless and starry night sky.

Ilena's hand rests on the grip of her ornate sword, and once again déjà vu strikes. I recall the night that I met Colonel Celesta Novilem of the Holy Collective Military. That night she too had an ornate sword that she held her hand on the entire way, she too wore a cloak draping down her back, but she had black hair not auburn, and she was ambro besides. I shake my head to rid myself of the memory. Why does Ilena Conclamata, sister to the murderous bastard who killed my parents, remind me so much of an ambro commander?

Lost in my thoughts, I almost don't hear the sound of footsteps coming towards us. I look towards the source of the sound, to see a figure dressed in the dark blue and silver uniform of the Holy Collective. Ilena's blade slices through the air as she draws it. The silvery metal gleams in the light of twin moons as she steps towards the male dressed in my kingdom's colors.

"You are not my target, General Ilena Conclamata, rightful Queen of Feralis. Step aside, my employers wish you no harm at the moment. Give me the girl and you can walk away in one piece, keep me from my prey and I will not hesitate to kill you." The male steps into the light, revealing his blond hair, pale skin, and crystal blue eyes with copper veins. He's an ambro is my first thought. My second, is that he's an assassin who works exclusively for Nitens.

"You can try," Ilena taunts, spinning her sword in a lazy circle.

Any lesser male would have fled at the sight of the Angel of Death bearing a sword against them, but this assassin isn't the least bit frightened, the poor fool. The assassin feints to the left, but Ilena doesn't fall for it, she parries and skips back. Suddenly the assassin starts to choke, and blood dribbles from his mouth. I recognize what's happening immediately, Ilena just used her magic to turn the shadows within the assassin against him.

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