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Dedicated to Kpopbaekhyunlover
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Baekhyun 's pov.

I threw the money inside the gate and I stand wondering where will I go

All I ever wanted was to travel all over the world but am so stupid not to realize how I will get hurt,,

I went home and saw my parents moving out

Where are you two going mom and dad

It's all your fault now we are going out of the house because of you

What did I do

Don't ask innocent you played with the prince now we are leaving because of you

Am sorry mom, dad I didn't mean to

You need to learn how life is difficult baek,, we have decided you won't come with us

No dad, mom I have realized my mistakes please don't let me stay alone,,,

We have left you a chair and your bed try your life

No please don't leave me alone please am so sorry

You should have think about it baek

I dare you to be the prince 's wife(chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now