Blitzwing x Bumblebee (tfa) Part 2

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Month pass and their weird friendship turns into an even weirder relationship. Not even they are sure exactly how it happened. One moment Bumblebee is happily partaking in his favorite past time: shit talking Blitzwing. The next moment Bee is standing in the other mechs lap, large servos covering his waist, pulling him closer until their chassises are pressed together.  Neither one could tell who made the first move, or when the mood changed to allow the liplocked state they find themselves in. Nor when the relationship chanced from frenemies to making out on the roof of the same skyscraper this all began. 

The kiss is exhilarating. It makes Bumblebees circuits buzz pleasantly. For a moment Bee even forgets the slight pang of guilt he feels every time he goes behind his teams back to meet Blitzwing. The triple changers icey mouthplates are expectedly cold but surprisingly soft. If Bee didn't know any better he'd think Blitz was being careful with him. Almost like he was afraid that if the giant mech would make a wrong move he'd startle Bee and the Autobot would run off. 

"oh." They both say when after a good while they pull away.

"Wow this took a weird turn." Bees processor is still reeling from all the sudden feelings.

Blitz gives him a look. He might almost look hurt, if you squinted. "Weird?"

"Ah uuhm I- I mean not bad weird." Bee faceplate is almost completely blue.  "T-this is cool. I am cool with kissing. Totally cool."

Before Icey can tell Bee he has no obligation to kiss him, random pounces on his chance.It was his idea! He's the one who wanted to do this for the longest! He's not letting icey ruin his chance now! "Weird iz fun! Ve like ze weird! Now give us more kisses!" Blitz locks their lips together again.

Making out with Random is completely different. He's wild, kissing him all over his face, nipping at his moutplates with his sharp denta and using waaayyy too much tongue. Even giving Bumblebee a full on slobbering lick from the base of his jaw to his helm, grazing his horn with the tip when Bee pulls back. 

"Dude ew! No licking!" Bee uses trying to clean as excuse to hide his burning face in his servos and muffle the cooling fans kicking in. 


Prowl notices Bumblebee sneaking off base late one evening. Usually he'd just assume Bee is off to race and the cyber ninja doesn't care enough to stop him. But lately Prowl has this sneaking suspicion the yellow bot is hiding something. Bumblebee is usually terrible at keeping secrets, yet he seems to be going above and beyond not to get discovered, which is already unusual enough. After careful observation, Prowl decides to follow him tonight. He follows the yellow car trough Detroid, all the way to the edge of town and onto a gravel road leading into the forest.

"Why is Bee going in to the woods?" Prowl asks himself. "I thought he disliked nature, especially after the spacebarnicles fiasco."

Bumblebee finally stops in a small clearing. The yellow bot waits about as patiently as he is capable of for something to happen, to the growing confusion of Prowl who has hidden himself in a nearby tree. 

Suddenly a familiar jet flies over the clearing and lands right next to Bumblebee. Barely making the earth stir with his landing, unlike when they fight and blitz lands hard deliberately to intimidate his opponents. 

Before Prowl can jump out to help his teammate, Bee shoots the giant con a facesplitting grin and starts happily rambling about something. Blitz looks stoicy down on the small mech but the expression is almost... soft is the closest thing that comes to the cyber ninjas mind. Prowl sees Bee climb up Blitz like he's seen him do with Bulkhead a million times. All this throws Prowl for a loop. He needs answers, he doesn't know what to think. Is Bee working for cons? Prowl doesn't believe that. Bumblebee might be reckless at times but they've had each others backs when the need for battle arises. But what if he is, and conspiring with Blitzwing of all the crazy cons.. did he threaten Bee? Most likely yes, perhaps the small bot feels he has no choice but to play nice and doesn't know how to ask his team for help, afraid they might think he is a traitor. Prowl isn't sure if he should call for backup right away or observe a little longer.

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