Chapter Four

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Author's Note

Hi! Again, I should PROBABLY wait until I have more reads. But I shan't (fancy) because this is the best chapter! I am seriously so excited to write this one! Yes! OK, well enjoy!

Mira POV

Am I supposed to be happy? Angry? Sad? I don't know. I feel the slightest bit of excitement, though.  I'm also nervous about what I'm about to do. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Erza and Lucy smile at me encouragingly. Then, I felt someone grab my hand. Showtime. 

"Hey Laxus! You're finally back! I missed you." I murmured and hugged his arm, fighting the urge to rip it off. He smiled his special smile (which I recently realized was his fake smile) and swung my hand in his.

"I have to ask you something babe!" He dragged me up on the stage and yelled to the whole guild about 'his announcement'. What could it be? I thought bitterly.

"I have an announcement. Me and Mira are going out now. So I wanted to get the whole guild's attention to ask you out on a date, Mira. " How unromantic! I thought as I plastered a fake surprised~happy face on. I could tell Master was beaming. Not for long! Everybody was smiling, certain of what my answer would be. Erza, and Lucy concealed their smirks. 

"L-Laxus!" I fake-stuttered, "Of course!" He laughed and pulled me close for a kiss. I obliged, except, at the last second possible, I smashed my head against his.

"Not." I grinned. Feeling the sneer appear on my face and the shock of everyone except Lucy and Erza in the guild, I strutted over to where the stunned Laxus had landed by the wall, and pulled him to an upright position. Then, I slapped him. But this was no ordinary slap. This was a BITCH SLAP. Actually, it was worse than a bitch slap. I had slapped him so hard that he had slammed into the wall and made a huge crack in it. "Oops. Hey, shithead. I'm not as dumb as you think. I know that you never liked me. I heard you talking to that drunk whore yesterday." I pointed to Cana with my middle finger as I seethed, "You know, you two are perfect for each other. You're both bitches with your heads too far up your asses to have brains. So I will explain it to you. YOUR LAME PRANKS WON'T WORK ON ME. YOU'RE SUCH A CHILD. GROW A FUCKING PAIR! (to help emphasize this, I stepped on his tic tac with my  heels) DON'T TRY TO USE ME AS A WAY TO BECOME MASTER, SCUMSUCKER! Got it? Or do you need me to beat it through your tiny head again?" He managed a nod. And with a final kick to his nonexistent balls and a punch that sent him flying and passed out, I sauntered to Cana, who tried to back away from me in horror. "Oi, wench. What did you say about me? Oh yeah, Imma slut, right? And a bitch? Do you still think that?" She shakily shook her head. I turned into my Halphas demon and punched her in the gut. She slammed into the bar and right before she passed out, I whispered to her "Since you decided to play around with Laxus, I did you a favor and told Bacchus how you were fooling around with Laxus, and I told him that you wanted to break up. Since you ruined my love life, I will ruin yours." I did this because I knew that Cana sincerely loved Bacchus and they were a couple, so if he found out about her and Laxus, he would resent her for the rest of his life. With that, I sashayed to the door. However as soon as the doors slammed shut, my demon aura disappeared, and I ran away to my house. I didn't cry, though. I just collapsed on the bed and stared at the ceiling, wondering if I had made the right choice. I might be kicked out of the guild for this! You might be wondering, why would Erza and Lucy approve of this plan if they knew there was a possibility of me getting kicked out. They didn't. They thought I was just going to dance around on stage, call Laxus a few names to humiliate him, and leave. I went too far. I sighed and tried not too cry. I also thought of Freed. There's no way he would still like me now. This revenge has left me with nothing. Laxus never liked me, but now Freed probably is horrified with me. Everyone in the guild is most likely too scared of me to even talk to me anymore. All the trust I had built up with Master is gone, for sure. And Erza along with Lucy presumably don't want to associate with me, because they are probably too scared to get kicked out. Suddenly, I heard a knock. It might be Master! I rushed to the door, then breathed in relief. It was Elfman, Lisanna, Erza, Lucy, and... Freed. They all hurried in and comforted me.

"Wow! Mira that was AMAZING! You are so cool!" squealed Lisanna and Lucy.

"Truly a man!" bellowed Elfman.

"As expected from an ex-rival of mine," nodded Erza, making me laugh. She had already explained what happened with Laxus and Cana yesterday to Elfman and Lisanna. Freed gave me an awkward hug. I melted into it, while Lisanna made tea (and got a piece of cake for Erza) for everyone. They all assured me that Master wouldn't expell me, and if he did, they would all leave with me. My guilt vanished, and I started to feel proud of myself. I giggled as I imagined Laxus's face after he would wake up from getting knocked out by me. It was getting late, and I thanked all of them for comforting me. They were all about to leave, but we all realized that it was pouring. Me and Lisanna arranged the futon for Lucy, and the guest room for Freed. Erza would sleep in my bed, and I would sleep with Lisanna. What a day! I couldn't sleep, so I kept staring at the ceiling, until I decided to get a glass of water from the kitchen at around 2am. Sneaking to the filter, I filled a cup and hurried past the loud snores coming from Elfman's room, then the quiet snuffles from the futon, but I instinctively stopped at the guest room. I silently opened the door and slipped through the doorway. Freed lay there splayed all over the bed. My breath caught as I saw his bare chest. What am I doing! I mentally slapped myself. But I could feel myself walking towards him. I leaned down and kissed his cheek. My cheeks flushed and Freed shifted in his sleep. I scurried out of the room and mentally screamed. WHAT DID YOU DO WHAT DID YOU DO WHAT DID YOU DO I specualted. After that, I ran to the room and threw myself on the bed, nearly waking Lisanna up. I got myself comfortable and drifted to sleep.

Author's Note!

So. Uhm. NOW do you get why I was so excited to write this chappy? Trust me, I'm not that violent, I just love when a character is nice and suddenly goes crazy! I don't think I should've had so much fun making up Mira's insults. Haha, but anyways, I will update soon! 

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