Chapter 1

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"Oh my god! Is that Taylor Swift??? There's no way that's not! What the heck??! Taylor!!"

Pulling my hood up, I power walk in the opposite direction to where I'm meant to be going. I'm going to be late to the flight, but I'm not in the mood to take selfies and pretend to be in a talkative mood. Not today.

"Hey!! Taylor!! I swear she heard us?!" The crowd of people grows behind me and I focus on walking away, even though I have no idea where I'm going. Usually I love meeting fans, but not right now. Mascara is streaked down my cheeks, my hair is matted and my eyes are bloodshot red. I don't think this is the Taylor Swift they're expecting to see

Rushing round the corner, I zoom straight into the airport toilets. May be a bit grimy, but at least these ones aren't busy. All the stalls look empty. I stare at myself in the mirror opposite, at the girl who stares back and looks nothing like I did this time yesterday. But that was before Dianna told me she didn't want to be with me anymore.

"Don't cry Taylor, don't be stupid. She's not worth it," I whisper, wiping away the tears with my hoodie edge. The hoodie is hers. I'm only keeping it on because it was the closest one to me before I left for the airport and I didn't realise it wasn't mine until I put it on. At least my nose is too blocked from crying to be able to smell her familiar scent.

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. My bodyguard pushes his way in, gently for a big muscly man, and scans the room. "I'll be just outside," he says. Other than Dianna, he's the only other person who knows we've broken up, simply for the fact he's the only one who's seen me upset. It's not hard to guess what happened.

2 days ago, I was so full of excitement about seeing her for the first time in ages. She said she had something to tell me, and stupid as I am I thought it would be something...big. I dressed up in a new vintage dress, curled my hair, did my make up how she likes it. Liked it. Then yesterday, she shattered my dreams and I saw everything our relationship had been crumble into nothing.

In my head, I replay what happened yesterday and see it like scenes in a movie with the kind of ending you don't want to see. "I don't think we should be together anymore. I'm sorry," she didn't sound sorry.

"We can make it work. I'll take a longer break between this tour and the next album for you. I'll - "

"It's not about that. You shouldn't do that for me," she spoke as if she were almost bored, as if the last 8 months had meant nothing to her. Maybe they had.

"Then what is it about? Have you met someone else? Di, we 'break up' all the time. How am I supposed to believe that this is the last time?!" My voice began to rise higher and higher, welling up with tears.

"Fine. This really is the last time. Clearly if we keeping having breaks then we don't work together at all,"

Suddenly, a toilet flushes in the stall furtherest from me, bringing me back to the present. Fuck. Oh fucking fuck.

I could leave now, I would easily be able to go before they come out.

And then the door swings open.

In the mirror behind me is a woman about my age, blonde hair tucked into a messy pony tail. As far as I can tell, she's wearing no make up, looking fresh faced and young. She's dressed in sport leggings and a blue hoodie. At least she doesn't like like a kidnapper or anything.

"Hey, are you okay?" she says, looking at me with a concerned face. I feel like I recognise her, know her face, but it's probably just because I meet thousands of girls every year. Sometimes all their faces blur into one. Maybe she's just got one of those faces.

"Yeah, I'm fine thank you," I sniff, looking down at my bitten fingernails. Luckily, my hoodie hides my face. I should go. I know I should leave now.

"Sorry if I sound rude but do I know you? You look familiar,"

"Oh, so do you, actually,"

It's probably a bad idea, but she seems safe. I take down my hood.

A look of recognition and the shock falls across her face as her eyebrows rise up high.

"Oh! Taylor Swift! Um, oh my gosh...hi," a blush forms across her cheeks. Maybe she feels stupid.

There's a silent pause as we both stare awkwardly.

"Sorry, sorry...I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Karlie," she extends out her hand.

"Carly, that's a nice name," I make an attempt to smile. She smiles back and it lights up her whole face like the sun. Damn, a smile that bright could light up this whole town.

"Anyway, I should..." I gesture towards the door. The crowds are probably gone by now; the body guard Mike would know if they hadn't. Maybe they got bored.

"Wait! Karlie Kloss," I suddenly say. That's where I recognise her from. Oh my God, that's Karlie Kloss, the one all my friends told me about. The one everyone said I would get along with.

"Yeah," she smiles again. "You know Lily? Cara?"

"Uh uh, I definitely do. I've heard so much about you,"

"And vice versa," she says and I swear she says it flirtily. Or maybe it's just my imagination.

"You don't know the amount of times I've been told that I remind someone of you," it's true - I get told it al the time, by my friends or by make up artists or even fans. It's kind of weird actually meeting her now...especially in a public bathroom?!

"Oh me, too. This is so...random," she pulls her pony tail tighter.

"Yeah...I was hiding from crowds," I let out a small laugh.

"Oh, right. I guess that's a big problem when you're Taylor Swift. I just needed a breather from...well, yeah, I just needed some space,"

I nod. I totally get it. I need that, when I've been out in public.

"Anyway, it's nice to finally meet you, Taylor," Karlie grins.

"It's nice to meet you, too, Karlie Kloss. It feels like it's been a long time coming,"

A/N: annnnnd that is the end of the first chapter! I hope you liked it, I haven't written fan fiction in soooooo long so I'm still getting used to it again lol. Let me know how to improve/what you'd like to see as the story progresses.
Ps. How many song references could you find?? I think I put in 4 ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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