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I just got home from school, God it dragged. I hate school everyone in their little cliques, the cheerleaders, the jocks, the chess club president, ahh. I think u get the picture. I'm not one of them, me I'm a wall flower and I like it. I have a few friends but I'm ok with that Krystal is my best friend, she can be loud and in your face. But I think everybody has that one friend you just can't shut up. Then there is Brett and Dillan, always together you don't even need to look for them, just listen to noise that seems to follow.
My life in Maine isn't a bad one I like it here. I like how we are close to the water front and I can smell the ocean with a mix of the Forrest and surrounding woods. The wildlife that live there is in abundance. And i love everything about my home.
"Aurora are you even listening" Krystal shouts down the phone interrupting my thoughts. "What, sorry I think max just got back with Jasper" I tell her. " I will text you later" then I hang up. Max is my mom's true mate and Jasper is my brother, and I love him to peices. Because of the abuse my mom suffered with my father she wasn't expecting to have another pup, and now he's four with blonde hair and brown eyes. He drives me crazy but i love him none the less. @
I was just about to start my English paper when Jasper burst's into my room "sissy, sissy" he squeals. I can't help but laugh, "mom and dad want you, they got surprise for sissy" he shouts. He grabs my hand and drags me out to the front room. Where I find mom and Max sat on the sofa, they both have mixed expressions on their faces. And I know something isn't right.
"What's wrong" I ask. " I was just about to start my homework" I tell my mom. She looks at me with a concerned look on her face and then turns to Max. Hoping that he will say what needs to be said, "Sweetie why don't you sit down.... We need to have a chat". Max announced. I might not be his daughter by blood but he still treats me and loves me all the same. Oh no what did i do this time, is the only thing I can think. They only ever address me like this if I've done something. Racking my brain, i come up empty. "Max and I have been speaking to Alpha philip. He's sending us all to the Silver moon pack in Washington" my mom jumped in. I Couldn't think of anything to say apart from "WHAT?".
Max looks around the living room not wanting to look at me or mom, Jasper's pulling on my arm, "Road trip, road trip we going on a road trip". well at least he's happy. I look at mom and ask "why" mom looks at Max "Why don't you go get Jasper ready for bed while I talk to Aurora". "Come on buddy, let's let them talk". Jasper runs of screaming with excitement i can't help but smile.
" what's happened mom, I know you and Max are happy here and I don't want to move". I look at mom and she's chewing on her lip, great that can't be good. She takes a deep breath "Sweetie, your father has had word of where we are and we need to leave, he's gonna come for you baby and I can't let him. Max grew up with the alpha in Washington and he has agreed to take us in. You have two weeks left at school before you break for summer we leave saturday. And you will be getting your wolf soon, we need somewhere safe". I don't know what to say, so I sit there twiddling with my hands, looking anywhere other than my mom, we must have been sat there for a while.
"When Jasper said i have a surprise i didn't expect this" I mumble to myself, I knew mom heard me. She chuckles and hands me a set of keys.
I am so confused at this point. Max walks back in, "You gave her the key already" he asked with a chuckle. "Come on sweetie, let's go see what u got to go with that key". I follow not knowing what to expect, still processing the fact that we are leaving our home. Walking behind mom and dad I was not expecting this. "You got me a car!! No freaking way you got me a car!! ". So I do what any other 17 year old does and ran to the car, well it's more like a truck a Chevy truck to be exact.
The following day I go to school , this is my last day in Maine and I have to tell my friends I'm leaving. I'm not sure how to do this, I run my hand trough my ginger hair, run a hand down my face while looking down at my torn black skinny jeans and combat boots. Running trough different senarios, in my head. Shuffling my way to my locker to get my books. Either one that i come up with is just the same as the last. I decide it will be easier if i just spit it out. There is no band aid for this.
Krystal appears from nowhere, "you never called back" she chides I just keep walking not ready to say anything. She looks at me, when I stop in front of my locker. "What's wrong Aurora, your eyes are all like the lights are on but nobody's home". I just continue to do what I was doin, " I have to tell you and the boys something" is all I say before walking to chemistry. Chemistry for the next two hours. I usually love chemistry it's my favourite lesson but it's just not holding my attention, so the two hours drag. Before I new it, it was lunch and Dillan catches up with me.
We grab our lunch and head outside, where we can already see Brett and Krystal. Before I even manage to sit down i get ambushed with questions by the very impatient girl sat across from me. I just snort, very lady like of me i know. Brett is oblivious as usual to everything. "Hey Aurora you heard the new album from B.M.F.V" he asks ( bullet for my Valentine- B.M.F.V). "Yeah it's pretty awesome" I reply. Krystal's just sitting there giving me a pointed look, sighing i look around at them.
"Hey guys I need to tell you something". I get out before Krystal kicks me. They look at me saying spit it out with their eyes. "Erm..... Erm..uh, I'm moving to Washington tomorrow, Max got a transfer and we're all going. They only told me last night, which is why I didn't call you back" I look at her. " WHAT, WHY, THEY CAN'T DO THAT, IT'S SO UNFAIR" they all shout at the same time. I hold my hands up not knowing who to respond to, while holding my breath waiting for a chance to speak. It's not like i have a say in the matter I'm still a minor.
The rest of the day was quiet and sombre, nobody new what to say to me, and i didn't know what to say to them. At this point we were in the school parking lot, in front of my new truck. Well new to me, " promise you will stay in touch". the three of them say at the same time. Chuckling and nodding my head at the same time. Tears escape my Forrest green eyes which surprised all of us as I have never cried since that one night when I was six.
We hug, we laugh and cry, well me and Krystal did. "Guess I better go, still got packing to do". Nobody said anything we've been best friends since I moved to maine, so this was just to hard. After giving everyone one last hug I got in the truck, i started the engine a drove off, with tears running down my face. I made it home in record time and ran into my room, looking around i realised it had already been boxed the only thing that hadn't was my closet.
Half an hour is all it took to pack my clothes, so I go in search for food and a drink. Ahhh there's nothing in, I groan to myself and my rumbling belly. Right them mom walks in with Jasper and food, "thank God you have food I'm starved". I shout making her jump. I snigger "where's Max" I ask mom. Without looking at me she replied " he's filling thue other truck with fuel for the drive in the morning, oh that reminds me how much fuel do you have in the truck? "
giving her my answer, with a full tank we consumed the food. Mom looks at me funny, while Jasper talks her ear off, asking something I'm not sure what. I wasn't paying attention. "Aurora we leave at five in the morning and Jaz would like to travel with you in your truck". I look up from the book i was reading lifting one eyebrow. "Ok... Erm I will need his toddler seat from your truck, and I guess we will need snacks and drinks too". Mom nods "already sorted there in your truck". I reply with a smile and climb from my perch in the window seat, I grab Jasper's hand. " Come on squirt we have an early start, so it's of to bed for us, night mom" we both say at the same time, which earned us a chuckle and a smile from mom.

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