Chapter 2

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I lit my cigarette as I stepped outside onto the busy streets of my hometown. Sighing, I put in my headphones and started playing some Stone Temple Pilots.

As I walked to the beat of my music I remembered why I barely went outside.

I simply hated it.

It really takes something more or less important to me to get me out of my room. Like cigarettes, booze and other unhealthy things.

Oh and concerts.

If I can afford them, that is. Which I can't.

I felt a little bit of panic rising up in my chest when I remembered that one time I had a panic attack because I was going to meet up with a different dealer since the other one moved away.

I simply can't deal with strangers.

I just hoped that I could get over with this as fast as possible and get back home. I couldn't stand having anything happen to me right now, already feeling incredibly stressed out.

Shaking off the thought I extinguished the cigarette, stepped into the convenience store and started looking for the things I needed to buy.

Getting some food and drinks first I packed everything into my bag, making my way to get some other things. Unfortunately, some people were already standing there, making me pretend to look for other things until they were gone. That's as far as awkwardness gets.

Next thing I got was the hair dye I needed, but instead of only getting blonde, I chose red as well. Maybe I'll try something new soon.

Being lost in thought I mindlessly started walking, thinking about getting my cigarettes, but my plans were abruptly stopped as I bumped into someone and dropped all of things.

My heart skipped a beat and I slowly looked up, just to see a pair of beautiful brown eyes look at me. My face immediately reddened and I stuttered out an apology. "S-sorry" I said, sounding nervous and fragile.

"No, it's my fault. Here- let me help." I was shocked when he started to pick up my things. My hands started to tremble and my heartbeat increased rapidly. Was he making fun of my helplessness?

But instead of an expected evil grin, a handsome and sympathetic smile crossed my view. Then he noticed my trembling hands.

"Hey - I'm really sorry. Let me carry these things for you, I was just planning on leaving anyways."

Was this really happening? I couldn't be - right? "Uh... th-thanks" I smiled weakly, "but I r-really don't want you to waste your t-time."

At this point I was just mentally cursing at my stuttering. I needed to get a hold of myself - real fast.

"No, I insist on helping you" the half Asian man said, "Oh by the way, my name's Mike! What about you?" "I'm Ch-Chester."

He smiled genuinely "Chester, huh? That's a dope name! Well, nice to meet you!" He winked at me.

My heart skipped another beat, maybe even two. This has to be some weird fantasy of me. I had to remind myself of answering "Y-yea, nice to meet you too, Mike-" I trailed off.

"Anyways!" Mike said enthusiastically, "Do you need to get anything else?"

It took me a second to realize what he meant, still being in shock. "Oh right-" I looked down to my feet and murmured "I still need cigarettes." That was the first in a long, long while I felt ashamed of my unhealthy habits.

"Well, we better get going then. " Mike said, not seeming to mind my habit.

A little part of me wanted him to.

Mike started walking towards the cash desk and I slowly trotted behind him, picking up my cigarettes along the way. I paid for everything, earning a weird look from the cashier for my appearance. I learnt to ignore those though.

We stepped out of the store and started to make our way towards my flat after Mike had asked me where I lived. I haven't had anyone over at my flat for who knows how long but talking him out of it wouldn't make any difference. He seemed like the stubborn but adorable type of person.

So there I was, walking next to a handsome half Asian who was quietly humming a song I didn't recognize.

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